Pregnancy + Birth

Pregnancy and the birth of a new baby are some of the sweetest – and sometimes most challenging – seasons of a women’s life. The category of Pregnancy + Birth features articles to help you every step of the way — trimester tips, baby shower inspo, etc. — as well as how to find an OBGYN, where to connect with local support groups, helpful books to read, the best birth options in Dallas, and more!

Dallas Moms publishes original, personal stories and advice from local moms, as well as relevant and fun information for those of us in the trenches of parenthood.

Every article published via Dallas Moms — whether someone from our in-house team, a guest writer, or a sponsored writer — uses their words to reflect their own opinions, experiences, and beliefs. No singular post or collection of posts represents the opinions, beliefs, or agenda of Dallas Moms.

When people hear that I've had two completely natural, drug-free childbirths at a local birth center (not a hospital) they often have some questions for me. I thought I might write down some of the most frequently asked questions...
The Mommy Makeover. The elusive way that only celebrities and rich women "get their bodies back" after having children. But, we are normal moms, right? We don't have trainers. We don't have chefs. We don't have (gasp!) plastic surgeons!...
**This post has been sponsored by Dallas Synergy Chiropractic to bring you this experience.  All opinions are 100% our own!** A visit with your family to Dallas Synergy Chiropractic will take away any fears or misconceptions you might have about chiropractic care. ...
When a child loses his parent, they are called an orphan. When a spouse loses her or his partner, they are called a widow or widower. When parents lose their child, there isn’t a word to describe them. This...
You can spot the first-time preggo a mile away. She is radiant. She is smiling. She is walking through Target in heels, balancing her decaf latte on top of a salad with no deli meat, seafood, or soft cheese (because listeria!!)....
I am here to tell you the story of Beauty and the Beast.  However, this isn't quite the you story are familiar with from your childhood. It's more like the tale of Jekyll and Hyde. With a sweet-faced 3-year-old...
I don't know for certain that I had postpartum depression (PPD). But, since 80% of mothers struggle with depression either before or after a baby's birth-- I'm guessing it's probable. My story goes like this.  I was 32 years old...
Yup! I’m one of those moms. I have fake boobs, have had liposuction on my flanks, and a full tummy tuck. I know right?! You may be thinking I’m “fake.” You may be thinking I’m rich. You may be...
I was prepared as anyone can be for what the breastfeeding world was going to bring me. Nothing could stop this mama from getting it right. I knew it could be a bumpy journey (literally bumps all over my...
I grew up with a bustling household – five kids, two dogs (sometimes three), a fish tank full of reptiles my brothers caught by the creek, a turtle, bunny rabbits, and who knows what else! As the oldest of...
Naked from the waist down with a paper "blanket" over your girl parts, waiting for yet another vaginal ultrasound might be the definition of vulnerability. As you mentally prepare for the doctor you both love and emotionally fear to...
Right now I am 37 weeks pregnant (translation: about to pop) with my second child. It hasn't been all that different from my first pregnancy except for the fact that this time I'm also chasing a two-and-a-half year old...




A Guide to Fall Fun in Dallas :: Events, Farms, Mazes,...

Search our guide to fall fun in Dallas County for festivals, pumpkin patches, events, and Halloween happenings to help celebrate the season.