Pregnancy + Birth

Pregnancy and the birth of a new baby are some of the sweetest – and sometimes most challenging – seasons of a women’s life. The category of Pregnancy + Birth features articles to help you every step of the way — trimester tips, baby shower inspo, etc. — as well as how to find an OBGYN, where to connect with local support groups, helpful books to read, the best birth options in Dallas, and more!

Dallas Moms publishes original, personal stories and advice from local moms, as well as relevant and fun information for those of us in the trenches of parenthood.

Every article published via Dallas Moms — whether someone from our in-house team, a guest writer, or a sponsored writer — uses their words to reflect their own opinions, experiences, and beliefs. No singular post or collection of posts represents the opinions, beliefs, or agenda of Dallas Moms.

Okay, so I recently found out I was pregnant with baby number two. {insert big cheesy, proud smile here} When my husband and I started talking about having another baby, we were excited, I was ready, the time felt...
Y'all. I have had the hardest time writing this post. And not because I shy away from writing about big things- I blogged during my months of fertility drugs, miscarriage, healing, and more fertility drugs leading to a much...
Lindy Jo is pregnant with her first baby and kind enough to be sharing this journey with Dallas Moms Blog. We will get to experience with her the excitement, fears, and joy that come with expecting. Lindy Jo will...
To try for a third….or not try for a third. This is a question that is constantly on my mind. I waver back and forth. If you ask me on Monday around 5:30 when all hell has broken loose in...
  When you get the news that you are expecting your first baby, time seems to stand still for a moment. Your mind moves to fast to even acknowledge the many thoughts that are flooding it. Those first few moments...

The Black Hole of Recovery

I'm pretty ready to be done being pregnant. I'm 36 weeks, having lots of contractions, and can't seem to walk anywhere without plenty of dramatic waddling and groaning. I am so thankful for this experience, and the ability to...
You would think that once you get past the infertility, once you have those babies in your arms, that it's over. The pain is gone, the emotions, the worry, the fear...but sometimes it's not. Not for me, at least....
What Happened to Our Village? We once lived in supportive villages that rallied around expectant and new mothers to impart wisdom, assume household responsibilities, care for older children, and encourage breastfeeding. Today, many mothers live in isolation in sprawling metroplexes...
Entering into motherhood is such an exciting time, but often we are left with many questions too. What should I expect? Which products do I need? Who do I turn to for help? While we at Dallas Moms Blog...
How many of us Moms, in our abundance of free time, have read the 2300+ pages of the healthcare reform bill - The Affordable Care Act (ACA). I am going to go out on a limb and say most...
BLOOM IS NOW LIVE! Click here to see the latest giveaways in up-to-date videos and resources! Join us VIRTUALLY on June 12th, 2021 for Bloom (presented by myKIDSdds), an event for new & expectant mothers and parents. >> Get Your Tickets...




Save the Date :: September Kid-Friendly Events in Dallas

The State Fair begins this month! Get the details to see Big Tex, as well as more kid-friendly events in Dallas County in our September Save the Date.