Pregnancy + Birth

Pregnancy and the birth of a new baby are some of the sweetest – and sometimes most challenging – seasons of a women’s life. The category of Pregnancy + Birth features articles to help you every step of the way — trimester tips, baby shower inspo, etc. — as well as how to find an OBGYN, where to connect with local support groups, helpful books to read, the best birth options in Dallas, and more!

Dallas Moms publishes original, personal stories and advice from local moms, as well as relevant and fun information for those of us in the trenches of parenthood.

Every article published via Dallas Moms — whether someone from our in-house team, a guest writer, or a sponsored writer — uses their words to reflect their own opinions, experiences, and beliefs. No singular post or collection of posts represents the opinions, beliefs, or agenda of Dallas Moms.

I'm the mother to five frozen embryos, my snowbabies. After 4 children, 3 dogs, and 2 dozen farm animals later, my husband and I have decided that our family is complete. When a person/family wants to discontinue the storage of...
This guide is sponsored by local partners to bring you details on Dallas pregnancy and postpartum resources. View our complete Dallas Moms Pregnancy & Postpartum Guide here. Looking up hospital reviews online is kind of treacherous. Because who loves a...
It was the just like any other summer day.  I was about 10 weeks pregnant, taking my son Miles to the mall to meet a friend.  Then, I got the phone call from my Doctor stating that my numbers...
I feel like I've been in "recovery" from my first pregnancy for three years. Pregnancy can definitely take a toll on a woman's body. I knew it would be important to take it easy after delivering my sweeet baby...
I started cramping at work, and because I almost never cramp during my period (lucky, I know) I thought I had to go to the bathroom-stat.  I sat on the toilet at work, and was surprised that I had...
This guide is sponsored by local partners to bring you details on Dallas pregnancy and postpartum resources. View our complete Dallas Moms Pregnancy & Postpartum Guide here. The major Dallas hospitals and birth centers are generally pretty well-equipped to provide...
Hopefully by the time you read this I will have FINALLY given birth. My due date is Sept 20th -- but as I was TWO WEEKS late with Miles, chances are good that I'm still pregnant. And quite possibly...
Check out our Pregnancy and Postpartum Support Guide! The first The first time I went into labor was sort of standard. Except it wasn’t. It was a billion degrees outside and I was coming home from work. My water broke in the driveway....
Check out our Pregnancy and Postpartum Support Guide! I remember going into my first appointment when I was pregnant with my firstborn excited and a little nervous.  Excited to hear the first teeny heartbeats, but nervous that there could potentially...
Dear BFF, The next few weeks for you are going to crawl at a turtle's pace and yet you will be at the finish line before you even know it, holding your sweet baby in your arms. The first 48...
This guide is sponsored by local partners to bring you details on Dallas pregnancy and postpartum resources. View our complete Dallas Moms Pregnancy & Postpartum Guide here. For low-risk pregnancies, you have the option of choosing a midwife for your...
This guide is sponsored by local partners to bring you details on Dallas pregnancy and postpartum resources. View our complete Dallas Moms Pregnancy & Postpartum Guide here. The more you know! We've compiled links to lots of helpful resources, from...




Save the Date :: September Kid-Friendly Events in Dallas

The State Fair begins this month! Get the details to see Big Tex, as well as more kid-friendly events in Dallas County in our September Save the Date.