Big Kids

These articles contain content for parents of elementary-aged children.

Dallas Moms publishes original, personal stories and advice from local moms, as well as relevant and fun information for those of us in the trenches of parenthood.

Every article published via Dallas Moms — whether someone from our in-house team, a guest writer, or a sponsored writer — uses their words to reflect their own opinions, experiences, and beliefs. No singular article or collection of articles represents the opinions, beliefs, or agenda of Dallas Moms.

To save you all some time and energy, here is an alphabetized list of ideas to assist with planning of the centuplicate day.
I grew up loving school, though I might be raising a son who doesn't always share the same affinity for academics.
Disclaimer :: This article contains sponsored content provided by Our Redeemer Lutheran School. When considering private school in Dallas, you'll notice that many of the local private schools have a religious affiliation. So, what does that mean? What can you...
At this point in your parenting journey (and in your life), you've certainly heard mention of Montessori school. But unless you've had personal experience with one, you may not know exactly what Montessori entails.
This article is sponsored by the YMCA of Metropolitan Dallas. All opinions are our own. Friendly reminder for anyone who needs after school care in Dallas or the surrounding areas! We love the YMCA around here, from their family-oriented atmosphere to...
I knew this day was coming, I just wasn’t expecting it so quickly. Over the summer, the girls and I decided to homeschool for a second year. A few weeks ago, I was in the middle of buying our...
The beginning of a new school year means getting to know a new teacher. And every year, I send an email to our teacher to outline what I want him or her to know about my kid. This year,...
After four kids and 17 years of parenting, I’ve come to realize that the middle school years are the worst. Kids struggle dealing with the one-two punch of intense social and academic pressure. Exhibit A: my middle school daughter. School group...
“You asked for waffles; I made you waffles!” “Stop playing in your cereal!” “Don’t touch your brother’s toast; you have your own toast!” Oh, the sounds of breakfast on a school day…the perfect storm of planned chaos and “we need to leave...
We can all agree that teachers are the real MVPs. They spend so much time with our kids nurturing them, loving them, and pushing them to their highest potential. I’ve worked in education for seven years now, and I’ve...
As summer dwindles, we prepare to head back to school. Back-to-school teacher gifts are a sweet way to welcome teachers back for another school year and show support. Teachers endure a lot; a small token of appreciation can help...
Motherhood is a series of starts and stops, of holding close and letting go. Certain milestones have a way of solidifying these truths in my heart as my children get older, and sending a child to kindergarten is certainly...




15 Fresh Ideas for Indoor Fun in DFW

Does your list of indoor play activities need a refresh? Check out these amazing places in DFW to have fun indoors on rainy or hot days.