Ages + Stages

Some parenting advice to never forget: If you’re going through a tough stage, remember — it’s just a stage and it will pass! Under the ages + stages category, browse articles that relate to the phase of motherhood you’re in for advice, tips, and solidarity. Ages + stages has articles all moms can relate to.

Dallas Moms publishes original, personal stories and advice from local moms, as well as relevant and fun information for those of us in the trenches of parenthood.

Every article published via Dallas Moms — whether someone on our in-house team, a guest writer, or a sponsored writer — uses their words to reflect their own opinions, experiences, and beliefs. No singular article or collection of articles represents the opinions, beliefs, or agenda of Dallas Moms.

As a new parent, I often struggle with what relationship I want my children to have with technology. I sometimes get stuck in the old school mindset that if I didn't have it when I was younger, then my...
September.  My favorite month of the year.  Yes, I confess, it’s my birthday month and I adore sapphires, but the real reason I love September is because of the transition from summer to fall.  There’s just something about the...
When my husband and I got married in 2007, I had a ready made family.  He had two kids, already -- a boy and a girl.  Not only was I a new wife, but I was also a step-mom. I...

The Languages of Love

I'll admit it: I'm an affectionate person.  I love to cuddle with my with my kids, canoodle with my husband and even let my dog sleep curled up behind my legs for a good portion of the night. With...
I'm vaguely new to the preschool media scene. My family is conservative and we are picky about the media we screen for our kids. My son's been in the theatre for a movie once, and it's partly because we...
  My kids, like all kids, have a lot  of energy. And while I enjoy taking them to the many wonderful parks Dallas has, going on bike rides, or even playing in the front yard...sometimes it's not enough for me...
My three year old is starting preschool for the first time. He's ready. I'm not sure I am. The trickest part of all of this: The Backpack. The very bag that my little one packs full of snacks and his...
Today my five year old son and I will go to a kindergarten readiness meeting. They will ask him some questions about shapes, letters, and colors and then we'll be on our way. But, I'm a little upset that...
As Kelsey and her husband Derek eagerly await the birth of their first child in September, she's been busy decorating the nursery from scratch. With a little help from family (and some HGTV inspiration), their son will arrive in...
Oh my gosh! Did you see that woman nursing her almost 2 year old??? Oh wait, that was me. Truth be told, I never intended for it to be this way. Don't get me wrong: I had always planned on breastfeeding...

Learning to Read, Part 2

Alright, you've gone through the check list on my Is Your Child Ready to Read post and you think your child is ready. Yay! Well, here are a few things you need to help you start teaching your child...
Or maybe a T-ball, gymnastics, karate, or ice-skating Mom? Has the olympics got you thinking that you are already way behind with your kids?!? If your children are approaching the age of 3, chances are you have thought about...




Save the Date :: July Kid-Friendly Events in Dallas

How do $2 movies sound? Or concerts by the lake? A magic show . . . the circus? There is so much to do with the kids this month! Have a look at our roundup of family-friendly July events in Dallas.