Christine Bachman

fun family dinner themes

10 Fun Family Dinner Themes for All Ages

Originally published in April 2020, but these family dinner theme nights are EVERGREEN! Several weeks into social distancing, fun family ideas start to fizzle. After seeing animals in various zoos, assembling jigsaw puzzles, and trying...

Early Orthodontic Attention Could Save Your Child’s Smile :: myKIDSdds

This post has been sponsored by myKIDSdds. All opinions are 100% our own. Like any other seven-year-old, my son enjoys sports, Uno, and Fortnite, but he also relies heavily on mouth breathing, especially at night,...

Dry January & Beyond :: How to Elevate Your Non-Alcoholic Drinks

Have you been participating in Dry January? Are you experiencing the health benefits? Maybe you're doing so well that you've decided to extend it another month or two? If so, you need some new...

Parish Episcopal School Celebrates 50 Years in Dallas!

Parish Episcopal School Proudly Celebrates its 50th Anniversary. Check Out these Upcoming Open Houses! Parish Episcopal School approaches its 50th Anniversary with the same core principles it embraced at its founding half a century ago:...

3 Easy Charcuterie Boards for Holiday Get-Togethers

It won't be long before the holiday invitations start filling up your calendar (if they haven't already). No one wants to show up to a party empty-handed, but in this busy season of life,...

Finding the Best Faith-Based School for Your Family

Since God makes each student unique, why not tailor their schooling in a way that celebrates that uniqueness?  So many of the families we know say they strive to find the best school fit not...

Coping with Back-to-School Tummy Troubles {With Tips from Children’s Health}

As youngsters return to school, it’s common to have butterflies, or even bats in their tummies. Stress can have adverse effects on children’s gastrointestinal (GI) tract, and as parents we may not notice right...
tips for kids starting a new school

7 Tips to Help Teens Transition to a New School

Change can be hard for anyone, at any age. This school year is particularly challenging for our oldest daughter who will be a junior at a new school. She's excited about this change, but with...

Improve Your Home’s Air Quality and Protect Against Unexpected HVAC Repairs

Summer is here! Now is the perfect time to get a jump start on making sure your HVAC is in good working order. Go Heating, Air, and Plumbing is the company we trust for...

Skip the Drive-Thru :: $1.99 Hungry Kids Meals every Tuesday at Applebee’s

If your family is anything like mine, weekdays can be really chaotic. Work, errands, to-do lists. Picking up kids from school or daycare, helping with homework, shuttling to and from extracurricular activities. Most days...

A Graduation Celebration to Remember

It’s Graduation Party time, and if you're active on social media your feed is filled with heartwarming cap and gown photos of beaming grads and parents.  My own children are just a few years away...
tornado in the distance, how to talk to kids about tornadoes

It’s Tornado Season :: Do You Have a Plan?

I’ve noticed a particular type of anxiety that affects many Texan children. Maybe you've noticed it, too. It’s anxiety around tornadoes, lightning, and storms—with a really overwhelming feeling of powerlessness. As parents and caregivers,...