Pregnancy + Birth

Pregnancy and the birth of a new baby are some of the sweetest – and sometimes most challenging – seasons of a women’s life. The category of Pregnancy + Birth features articles to help you every step of the way — trimester tips, baby shower inspo, etc. — as well as how to find an OBGYN, where to connect with local support groups, helpful books to read, the best birth options in Dallas, and more!

Dallas Moms publishes original, personal stories and advice from local moms, as well as relevant and fun information for those of us in the trenches of parenthood.

Every article published via Dallas Moms — whether someone from our in-house team, a guest writer, or a sponsored writer — uses their words to reflect their own opinions, experiences, and beliefs. No singular post or collection of posts represents the opinions, beliefs, or agenda of Dallas Moms.

I never thought I would say this, but I think I’m ready to expand our family to baby number three.  Let me explain. With my first pregnancy, I was so sick in my first trimester that I literally said she...
Returning to work already? Chances are you just got comfortable with your daily routine with your little one when you realize it’s time to return to work and learn an entirely different schedule. The emotions involved with going back to...
I remember before our 4-year-old was born, sitting in the rocker in her nursery thinking about how she was going to complete our little family.  Worrying about things that eventually fell into place: Feeding her, sleep training, adjusting our...
There's a story...a long story about why we made the change to using a fertility awareness method, but I'll save that for a cup of coffee on another day.  The short story is this: We'd been married about 4...
If you have had a baby in the NICU, or if you have a friend who has had a baby in the NICU, then you MUST listen to the podcast NICU Now. This podcast is for parents, family, and...
It was the just like any other summer day.  I was about 10 weeks pregnant, taking my son Miles to the mall to meet a friend.  Then, I got the phone call from my Doctor stating that my numbers...
**This post has been sponsored by Baylor Tom Landry Fitness Center. All opinions are 100% our own!** With motherhood comes a whole slew of emotions, responsibilities, joys and typically the loss of personal time. Taking care of the little ones...
My last baby turns a year old on Thursday. A quick calculation tells me that of the last 81 months, I have been pregnant or nursing for all but 15. I am still near the starting line of this...
This post has been sponsored by Britax through City Moms Blog Network. All opinions are 100% my own! I'm a mom of 3 boys; ages 7, 5, and 3. Safety is constantly on my mind as I spend each day...
Pediatrician interviews, choking down prenatal vitamins, midnight feedings, countless store runs for diapers and other necessities, and numerous well-visits are just a few ways that new and expecting moms adjust their lives around welcoming a new member of the...
I was prepared as anyone can be for what the breastfeeding world was going to bring me. Nothing could stop this mama from getting it right. I knew it could be a bumpy journey (literally bumps all over my...
**This post has been sponsored by EpiCentre to bring you this experience.  All opinions are 100% our own!** Let's play a game! Raise your hand if you have children. Keep 'em raised if you are over 30. Keep them up...




Save the Date :: September Kid-Friendly Events in Dallas

The State Fair begins this month! Get the details to see Big Tex, as well as more kid-friendly events in Dallas County in our September Save the Date.