Hallie Vincent

Hallie is a proud East Dallas resident who relocated to Dallas from Oklahoma City 8 years ago with her husband Chase. Hallie works remotely for a digital technology company while also trying to keep up with her two girls Molly (5) and Ellie (2). Hallie also writes on her personal blog ChasingHallie where she shares her truth about motherhood and family life. Hallie and Chase love being outdoors with the family, winning championships on their kickball team, watching any and all sports and hanging out on patios around town with friends.
redhead child

What It’s Like to Raise a Redhead Child

In honor of Saint Patrick's Day and my Irish heritage let's talk redheads and more specifically what it's like to raise a redhead child. Redheads run in our family. My brother has red hair, my...
mom guilt moments

My Biggest Mom Guilt Moments

Mom guilt is a real and intense thing. It sneaks up on you and surprises you when you least expect it. And it makes you feel like crap. We all have those moments when we...

Dugg Burger Deliciousness in Dallas

Dallas Moms Blog received a complimentary meal in order to provide you with this review. All opinion are 100% our own! Attention Moms! There is a great local gem serving up AMAZing and delicious burgers...

Saying Goodbye to Our House

In a few short weeks, we will be handing over the keys to our house to new owners. Our months in the throws of selling and buying will be over and we will be...
grocery shopping

How My Obsession with Aldi Cut My Grocery Budget In Half

If your kids are anything like mine they eat all the time. And they eat A LOT. 10 minutes after lunch is over they come running into the kitchen begging for food because they...
10x10 challenge

10 x 10 Wardrobe Challenge

As part of my, and my friends, desires to simplify we decided to embark on a challenge together as a group. The 10 x 10 Wardrobe challenge. My friend's Amy and Megan read about it...
energy company

Red Flags and Traps to Avoid with Retail Energy Providers

We have partnered with our Spooktacular sponsor Energy Ogre for this post. All opinions are 100% our own! I have fallen for the traps several times, its hard not to. All those gimmicky ads between...
fresh start to the new year

Fresh Start to the New Year

I LOVE Christmas. Everything about it. It's pure magic. And when you have kids it gets even better. I climb up into the attic every year in late November as soon as the day...

Changing the Energy Game with Energy Ogre

This post has been sponsored by Energy Ogre to bring you the latest information on energy savings. All opinions are 100% our own! I have watched my City of Dallas Water bill go up and...

Simple Traditions: Christmas Eve Box

Christmas is a big deal in my house, it has been my entire life. Lots of family, lots of traditions, lots of lights, lots of talk about the big man with the white...
gas rewards program

Pile on the Savings with Albertsons and Tom Thumb’s Gas Rewards Program {+ $75...

This post has been sponsored by Albertsons / Tom Thumb. All opinions are 100% our own! I am a budgeter through and through. I keep a spreadsheet going that I update regularly to track our...

Easy Teacher Gifts for the Holiday Season

Teacher gifts...ahh they stress me out! Especially since I usually don't think about them until the very last minute (Mom of the year right here!). So in order to not look like I don't...