Health + Safety

From diet to exercise, the health + safety of our families is a top priority. Use the health + safety category to find articles and resources written by other mamas and local professionals to help you feel your best.

Dallas Moms publishes original, personal stories and advice from local moms, as well as relevant and fun information for those of us in the trenches of parenthood.

Every article published via Dallas Moms — whether someone from our in-house team, a guest writer, or a sponsored writer — uses their words to reflect their own opinions, experiences, and beliefs. No singular article or collection of articles represents the opinions, beliefs, or agenda of Dallas Moms.

After a full summer at home last year, I fully understand just how much growth a child experiences in those three short months. It's a change that just doesn't happen sitting in a chair at school. I'm certain a...
Too often I find myself apologizing for things out of my control or things that are not even my fault. I’m a people pleaser and I’ve always been this way. As a child, I can remember blaming myself for...
In September, I discovered I was pregnant with my sixth child. As soon the shock wore off, the excitement took over. This is his birth story. A Maternal-Fetal Medicine doctor recommended that because of my age (45) and other medical...
Mask wearing is a new element of our daily life. It's one thing to add to your checklist to get out the door each day, but it's altogether another to teach your child to wear a mask regularly. If...
March 11, 2020 was my last normal day. It's been nearly a year of this pandemic (even longer for some), and it seems like a good time for reflection. A few weeks ago, I read a great piece called...
Daily me-time for the busy mom is laughable, right?  Let's face it, as moms, we are totally surrounded by calendars and to-do lists that keep our corner of Earth on its axis!  So, yes, it is easy to make...
On the worst day of my life, I went into a hospital room filled with pristine, white coats and scrubs. For an emergency room, it was calm. I could hear the sounds of machines beeping in synch with the...
Over the past 12 months, many of us have found new ways to cope with our "new" lives. (Sourdough anyone?) As we find ourselves in a continued limbo from our previous routine, perhaps you are ready for a new...
Weighted blankets are everywhere right now, and they have been hyped up to solve a litany of ailments. No longer relegated to the world of occupational therapy, weighted blankets are now being used by millions of people who believe...
Many of our Dallas Moms’ team members trust myKIDSdds with their pediatric dentistry needs. We all agree that getting our children’s teeth cleaned on a regular basis is important. Did you know that myKIDSdds looks at the whole child...
I may not be a PSL fan but I do love fall and winter. Yesterday my sister-in-law mentioned this concept to me and there are lots of ideas out there for the four walls around us. It also got...
While I bask in the glory of my favorite season, I'm keenly aware that we are facing a winter the likes of which we haven't experienced before. Accordingly, I've started thinking about ways to keep myself joyful in the...




A Guide to Fall Fun in Dallas :: Events, Farms, Mazes,...

Search our guide to fall fun in Dallas County for festivals, pumpkin patches, events, and Halloween happenings to help celebrate the season.