
These articles contain content for parents of toddlers.

Dallas Moms publishes original, personal stories and advice from local moms, as well as relevant and fun information for those of us in the trenches of parenthood.

Every article published via Dallas Moms — whether someone from our in-house team, a guest writer, or a sponsored writer — uses their words to reflect their own opinions, experiences, and beliefs. No singular article or collection of articles represents the opinions, beliefs, or agenda of Dallas Moms.

Children protest.  It is their job.  Ours is to create safe and healthy boundaries for them to live within. When WE keep our limits, our children actually feel safer and more secure. When you put a new limit down, your...
“I want cereal!” “No, not that cereal!” “I want milk!” “I want to pour it myself!” “I don’t want cereal! I want toast!” Repeat. Daily. Moms everywhere laugh and empathize when friends talk about the struggles of feeding a toddler. It’s as if overnight, our...
As a full-time working mother, I knew early on that my children would have to enter into a learning environment early in life. I had to process that decision all on its own, but I knew that it was...
Ever since I learned about "the farm effect" in preventing childhood allergies and asthma (mentioned in Scandinavian-parenting book There's No Such Thing as Bad Weather), I have been passionate about exposing my toddler to every petting zoo and farm...
Bookmark this post. Make a mental note. If your child was born with a sense of adventure and isn't scared of anything, just know you can come back to this one. Brave, second, third, and fourth children who are...
Summer is here! Moms are busy planning adventures and packing bags. We’re great at planning ahead for any situation, but feeding toddlers is the epitome of unpredictable. Summer adventures require ample fuel, a.k.a., food. Meals are easier to tackle because, well,...
I believe the time is approaching to start potty learning with my son. He turned two in October. At about that time, his female playmates began wearing big kid underwear instead of diapers. One by one, they are completely...
Spring in Texas is my favorite season – the feeling of warm sunshine on my face, beautiful bluebonnets, tulips, and daffodils, and the feeling of renewal!  Spring in Texas also means RAIN and plenty of it at the most...
The best way to garden with your toddler is to start at the very beginning together.
If you’ve been a parent for more than 5 seconds, you’ve likely heard that a bedtime routine is important for your child’s sleep! As a pediatric sleep specialist, I agree this couldn’t be more true. Bedtime routines and rituals...
What’s a good preschool near me? We hear this all the time! It’s a big decision, of course, and it's important to know your options.
My firstborn has been a reader all of her life, or at least it seems that way. Before she could actually read, she asked to be read to...constantly. As an avid reader myself, I loved it (and still do!)....




A Guide to Fall Fun in Dallas :: Events, Farms, Mazes,...

Search our guide to fall fun in Dallas County for festivals, pumpkin patches, events, and Halloween happenings to help celebrate the season.