
These articles reflect content for parents of babies.

Dallas Moms publishes original, personal stories and advice from local moms, as well as relevant and fun information for those of us in the trenches of parenthood.

Every article published via Dallas Moms — whether someone from our in-house team, a guest writer, or a sponsored writer — uses their words to reflect their own opinions, experiences, and beliefs. No singular article or collection of articles represents the opinions, beliefs, or agenda of Dallas Moms.

I'm currently knee-deep in planning my daughter's first birthday.  Yes, I'm one of those moms who started planning the party six months ahead of time.  I'm also one of those moms who hasn't *actually* done anything for the party...
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome aka SIDS was a problem people USED to deal with...kind of like AIDS, right? At least that was MY perception with my first pregnancy back in 2007. It was a nice surprise pregnancy for my...
I used to dread when other parents would ask me how Miles was sleeping.  It seems like the 'go to' questions for parents to commiserate over.  But in my case all my friends had kids who slept 12 hour...
Spring has definitely sprung here in beautiful DFW, so it is time to clean out the closets. Get of rid of all the little shirts that are too tight and pants that are too short. Time to stop cramming...
I don't know for certain that I had postpartum depression (PPD). But, since 80% of mothers struggle with depression either before or after a baby's birth-- I'm guessing it's probable. My story goes like this.  I was 32 years old...
Before I got married, I had the eating habits of a ten-year-old boy.  I was in school and waited tables at The Cheesecake Factory, so the majority of my meals were menu items and thanks to their obscene portion...
Having sick children is never a good time for a family. Sleepless nights, sweet babies turned into cranky, out-of-sorts babies, and the ever-looming question of “How sick is too sick to go to the doctor?” all come crashing down...
  With one toddler, sometimes the days are magically rhythmic. He's decently behaved for a two year old, you have a routine and a schedule, mama's hair is sorta fixed every morning. You think, "I got this!" and roll along...

To Cry or Not To Cry?

I let my first child "cry it out". I'm guilty. We waited the recommended 4-6 months before ever letting a cry go unanswered, and then we implemented sleep training. He was already sleeping through the night, he just still needed...

The Snot Sucker

A few weeks ago as part of the Contributor Confessions, I said my must have baby item was the NoseFrida. Yes, that’s correct. A SNOT SUCKER is at the top of my list! I received this as a gift, and...
I remember when I was pregnant, I saw a lot of articles in baby magazines about how to tactfully stop friends and family from touching your new baby, spreading all kinds of crazy germs. There were even lists of...
Hey moms!  We are starting our first installment of Contibutor Confessions and I'm so excited to be hosting this time!  What a great post to write!  I learned a lot about my fellow contributors and a few things I...




Save the Date :: June Kid-Friendly Events in Dallas

Searching for fun things to do with the kids this month? Have a look at our round-up of family-friendly June events in Dallas.