The Real Test :: Where I Am 10 Weeks After Utopia Food & Fitness


Last October I reached a breaking point with my weight. It was finally time to stop procrastinating and lose “the baby weight” that had been around since my youngest was born…2 years ago. I shared very personal feelings about what lead me to that weight loss decision (which you can read here) and was 100% motivated. 

I’ve tried weight loss programs before and none seemed to work for me. Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, diet book after diet book…while I’m sure these are all great programs that have worked for countless people…as a mom of 2 young boys under the age of 4, trying to decipher meal plans, grocery lists, and fitness routines all on my own was too much. Combine this with either cooking complicated healthy recipes with ingredients my family would never touch OR eating a dehydrated or frozen entree at each mealtime, it just wasn’t working. 

This time I decided to do something completely different and partnered up with Utopia Food & Fitness thanks to a recommendation on Dallas Moms Blog from Sally

Fast forward 6 weeks later, I lost 20 inches and almost 11 pounds of body fat. I journaled my experiences in this post here, and could go on and on about how great the program made me feel. But let’s face it, if you’re a skeptic like I typically am then you’re probably thinking “That’s great, but let’s see what happened when the program stopped!” 

The Real Test :: Where I Am 10 Weeks Later. . .

I did such a great job continuing my fitness program for a few weeks following my 6 weeks program and then life hit! Does that sound familiar? 

I’d committed to going back to Utopia every Wednesday and Saturday morning, but for the last 4 weeks there has been travel, sick kids, missed preschool, sick mommy, doctor’s appointments, meetings, and anything else you can imagine getting in the way. It’s been almost 5 weeks since I’ve been able to enjoy the convenience of Utopia’s meals and trainers — but isn’t that REAL life?

Despite all of this, I’m proud to say. . .

Results Utopia Food & Fitness Dallas Moms Blog
Please excuse the toes! I told you it’s been a crazy month!

The scale reads only two pounds heavier from the last day of my 6 Week Utopia Food & Fitness Program. (And I’m going to blame a pound of this on my monthly water retention!) 

How is this possible? I promise, I’m not starving myself and lying about my routine. My boys actually know my order at the Starbucks Drive-Thru, Raising Cane’s is a weekly staple in our home, and the donut lady knows me by name.

What makes Utopia Food & Fitness different than all the other weight loss programs I had tried before is that I now have a working knowledge of what I should and should not be eating. I learned an incredible amount about my food choices and what a portions should actually look like from the size of meals served to me each week and from the personal interactions during my training sessions. I was encouraged to ask questions about nutrition and was giving incredible explanations as to what my body was doing as I was dropping the weight.

Tip:: If you get any of their meals, save the containers and reuse them to help portion your own meals either at home or on the go! 

Most importantly, my body’s routine was shaken up too! After 6 weeks of almost no sugar or processed foods, my sweet tooth cravings have nearly diminished. I mean I still crave a Braum’s Mix like everyone else, but that craving is no longer on a daily basis. When I go out to eat, I look for the smaller portioned foods because my stomach no longer eats a plate-full of food like I used to. I find myself enjoying the healthier choices and no longer immediately go towards the cheesiest, meatiest food on the menu. 

Utopia Food & Fitness really did create a life change for me in just 6 weeks. While I can’t wait to continue with Utopia Food & Fitness to see that number drop even more, I am thrilled to know that the changes Utopia helped me make will keep that number stable for when life gets a little crazy . . . and as a mom, I know that life will be more crazy than it will be stable!


If you want to learn more about Utopia Food & Fitness for yourself, here’s a great opportunity for you! 

Utopia Food & Fitness is hosting an Open House event on Wednesday, February 25th from 5:00-8:00pm at the Preston/Forest Location. 

Come for a FREE fitness assessment and expected results report! See where your body fat and metabolism stand & get a realistic expectation of what you might achieve on our customized food & fitness program. PLUS! enjoy sample meals & snacks prepared by their 4-star chef Mike Smith — formally of the Green Room, Arcodoro/Pomodoro, and Thomas Avenue Beverage Company and current Executive Chef at The Common Table. 

This Open House event will be a great opportunity to come in an see the set up, sample some of the foods that are part of the program, and discover what Utopia Food & Fitness can do for you!

Remember, if you’re unable to make it, stop by in-person anytime at their Plano or Dallas location for the same great customer service and complimentary fitness assessment when you tell them Dallas Moms Blog set you! And when you mention us, you’ll also receive $50 off any membership option!

Visit Utopia Food & Fitness online to find the location nearest you and learn more about their incredible weight loss program!

We can’t wait to see YOUR results! 


Disclosure: While I did receive a reduced price for the program and food, all opinions are 100% my own. 

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Krystal Hurst
Krystal is a Dallas-native who began her career as a fourth grade teacher in Richardson RISD, but quickly changed paths to became a stay-at-home mom in 2011. Through a happy coincidence, she stumbled upon (what was then known as) Dallas Moms Blog in 2012 and found a community she’d been looking for since coming a mom. Shortly after joining the team, she gratefully accepted the “baton” passed to her as new owner of the site, and took off with it running full speed! Krystal not only helped to grow Dallas Moms into a large parenting resource, but also launched Collin County Moms in 2016; providing those in the north Dallas suburbs their community resource platform. While building a community, uniting the moms, and growing a business around this passion was a dream come true, after almost 10 years, Krystal officially stepped down as owner, and is now focusing on raising her 4 boys with her husband, Tim, and rediscovering old hobbies.


  1. I appreciate your comments about Utopia and have been considering joining the program. While this has been since Feb 2015 for you, I’d appreciate if you can email about where you stand now. Like you, I’m a busy Mom. Add on the fact that I’m also a single-parent & southern girl that enjoys cooking. Exercise & dieting aside from walking the dog, has never been a part of my lifestyle. Now, the after “age 40” weight gain has hit. My concern is after the initial 6 wks, when life just seems to happen. Please email and share your position now if you will, on this program. I realize that it will all be your opinion but I’d like to get an idea. Thanks so much.


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