Nature Nate’s Natural Honey Pecan Pie {+ A Sponsored Giveaway}


This post has been sponsored by Nature Nate’s Honey, however all opinions are 100% my own and genuinely reflect my experience.  Remember: Never feed honey to a child under age one.

Honey has become a pretty big thing around our house ever since my husband set up a beehive in our yard last April.  His hobby has become a family affair as we have all been interested in learning about the bees and process of honey-making.  All three of my kids have donned protective gear and joined my husband at the hive to care for and monitor the bees.  When we harvested honey for the first time in October, we were all so excited and fascinated with that liquid gold!


Honey really is a unique and beneficial food.  But not all honey on the grocery shelves is equal.  It’s important to carefully choose high quality honey that’s pure like Nature Nate’s Natural 100% raw and unfiltered honey.

UnknownOne of the interesting, original products I sampled from Nature Nate’s actually combined honey with fruit puree and natural flavors to create “Honey Syrup.”  

That’s the entire ingredient list, by the way: it’s all natural and contains no high fructose corn syrup.  My kids sampled the strawberry flavored honey syrup on pancakes and discovered a new twist for our Saturday morning routine!  They also make raspberry and blueberry honey syrup.  It’s like a cross between honey and jam, and it’s a very sweet treat.

pieFor me though, nothing beats plain delicious honey.

Nature Nate’s sent a beautiful gift tin with honey inside and a recipe for Honey Pecan Pie for me to try.

When I looked at the recipe and saw that honey is the only sweetener in the pie I wondered how it was going to turn out.  I baked it for my book club this week and it was a big hit!  Several friends actually preferred it to typical pecan pie.  It had a wonderful flavor and delicate sweetness.  And we all agreed that it was the healthiest, most natural pecan pie we had ever had–which was such a refreshing change from corn syrup overload. {For a FREE PRINTABLE version of this recipe, see below.}

After reading more about the background of Nathan (the founder of Nature Nate’s Natural), I can see that he is truly passionate about honey.  He started beekeeping as a hobby, just like my husband.  His pastime started becoming more “full-time,” and he decided to embrace a new job and mission of bottling high quality honey.  If my husband isn’t careful with his new beekeeping hobby, he might be following in Nature Nate’s footsteps one day!  Until then, we’ll leave the job of providing liquid gold for the masses to Nature Nate’s Natural!

Nature Nate’s Natural is currently sold in most grocery and organic food stores nearest you! For more information on where to purchase, recipes, and gift ideas, visit their website at You’ll also find the latest offers and promotions when you Like their Facebook page!

To try Nature Nate’s for yourself, make sure to enter to win a 16 ounce bottle of 100% raw and unfiltered honey and one Honey Syrup flavor below. Giveaway will end on Saturday, November 30, 2014.

Honey Pecan Pie
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Honey Pecan Pie
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  1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. In a large bowl combine honey, eggs, vanilla, salt, and cornstarch. Mix together using a mixer on low speed or by hand until thoroughly combined. Stir in pecans and melted butter. Pour into pie shell and bake on a sheet pan for 45 minutes. Let pie cool completely before serving with whipped cream.
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Disclosure: In return for my honest review, Nature Nate’s provided me with multiple product samples and compensation for my time.  All opinions expressed are 100% my own.

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Becky Campbell
Becky formerly taught elementary music then became a stay-at-home mom when Ava (13) came along. Nate (11), and Lucas (9) were quickly added in what became known as the “Whose idea was it to have 3 children under 5?” years. She has returned to work as a preschool teacher now that all three kids are in elementary school. She is a ravenous reader, a fan of wine and gourmet cooking, and enjoys traveling with her husband Cody with whom she just celebrated 17 years of marriage. She shares her life’s loves and adventures on instagram as caligal76.


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