Mom to Mom: How do you recharge your batteries?



mom2momLOGOBeing a mom is an exhausting job 24/7. If we are lucky, we might get a few minutes here and there to take some “me time” to relax and recharge our batteries. Here is a little look into what drains us as moms and how we cope.

What drains your batteries? What/when is it that really makes you feel like you need a break?

Lauren: This may be weird, but too many errands or outings in a week tend to make me feel crazy. I am not one of those moms that likes to be out and about all the time. Don’t get me wrong, I love socializing and I love going to do things, but for some reason, if there is more than one big outing in a day, I feel crazy busy and scatter-brained. Maybe this is because it always messes up my child’s nap times. Of course, we do end up having to go to multiple things in a day, so when I have several of those days in a row, I feel exhausted and in need of a break.

Casey: For me, I tend to dread the start of a new week. The weekends for us are usually busy and Halle is off schedule. Sundays are crazy…and late. So just the thought of Monday morning can make me feel drained. I know that Gabe is going back to work and I’m on my own again.

How do you find time to yourself?

L: I’ve never needed a lot of time for myself. I would rather be spending time with my husband or friends than sitting alone reading a magazine…I know, weird, again. Cody will ask if I want to run to the grocery store by myself sometimes in the evening and I’m thinking, “what? No, I would rather you come with me so I can have some adult conversation”. So nap times are actually adequate time for me to get a little break to myself- which is usually spent catching up on emails and blogs.

C: I am very fortunate in this area. My husband is always willing to stay with Halle so I can sleep in a bit or go out with friends. For a small “recharge,” I ask Gabe to get up with Halle and give her breakfast so I can stay in bed a little longer and get a shower before I start my day (especially Monday mornings!) However, Gabe’s also been known to stay with Halle for a whole weekend so I can hang out with friends!

What do you like to do to recharge your batteries?

L: Like I said, I am really energized by spending good time with my girlfriends or hubby.
Date nights out with my husband, which tend to be few and far between, really help me feel like more than just Mom. Also, having girl nights and staying away from just talking about diapers and separation anxiety really helps me feel recharged. Going on little trips or vacations always make a huge difference, too. Half way through a vacation I actually start thinking I am excited to get home and get the house in order and get back to the grind….until it actually happens, of course.

C: I guess I just kind of answered this…but I do love to get a spa pedicure from a little place by house. I would also love to go shopping and shop for me! I would love to be able to finish a novel or even make it through a new magazine.


So, what do YOU do to recharge YOUR batteries?? Especially you working moms, what do YOU do to re-energize? 


  1. I need my girly time! Mani, pedi and massage is what recharges me. I can’t get them as much as I used to but my hubby lets me splurge every once and a while!


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