Inkity Blinkity :: Capturing Memories Through Fingerprints + Giveaway


Inkity Blinkity Fingerprint Journals has partnered with Dallas Moms Blog to introduce their newest product and provide an amazing giveaway to our readers. 

I don’t know why, but as a child I remember one of my favorite past times was going through my memory books. I have a distinct memory from around the age of 5, pulling out my baby book and baby calendar and looking through it page by page at all the notes my parents (mostly my mom) had made–when I slept through the night, when I had my first tooth, when I said my first words. Even in elementary school, when my friends would come over, I thought it was fun to pull out my handmade baby photo album and go through the pictures. Memories were important to me from day one, and it’s this reason that I strive to pass along this same gift to my children.

When my first was born, I was diligent! Every month (if not more frequently) I was filling in his memory book. Capturing important moments from his first smile to first word. I kept track of all of his hospital bands, doctor’s check-up notes, and strands from his first hair cut. For almost 2 years, there wasn’t a single blank page!

Then my second came around.

I had a great run in the beginning; even packing his baby book into the hospital bag, but by month 4, my motivation was gone. I barely had time to shower between nursing sessions and chasing after my toddler. At best, when special moments occured, I’d capture a picture or email myself so if, and when, I ever got around to writing in their books I’d have it documented.

The more time passes, the more pressure I feel to add this task to my “to do” list. And that’s the problem…it’s becoming a chore because it’s one more thing that’s all my responsibility! Their life story, their childhood is only documented if I do it.

InkityBlinkityBut this is why Inkity Blinkity Fingerprint Journal is genius and I’m so thrilled they allowed me to sample their latest product! They take the pressure off you to record everything  and allows others to participate while you Capture the Ride.

Inkity Blinkity is a keepsake gift from parents to their children. As your child ages, parents can use this uniquely designed scrapbook to allow special people in your child’s life to leave special notes and memories. This could be a teacher, family member, Sunday school helper, coach, tutor, neighbor, anyone your child might connect with!

All a parent has to do is “pass the box” and the contributor will have everything they need to participate including easy-to-read instructions, smear proof pen, ink pads (for a choice of color), ink cleaner, 48 page journal with sample pages.


When the contributor has finished, the kit is returned to the parent and stored for safe keeping in a specially designed box that will protect it from wear and tear.

In theory, when your child graduates, you’ll present them with this amazing gift with over 12 years of communication from teachers and faces that might have been forgotten. Of course, we say in theory because keeping a secret for over 12 years is an amazing ability that I may not have!

Inkity Blinkty was created right here in the Dallas metroplex (Plano, Texas) by a mom of three! Like most moms who begin their own businesses, Kandi was working full time, saw a need, and dreamed of doing something better than what was on the market. Fingerprint Journals ($49.99) came into existence in the beginning of 2013 and have taken off since!

DSC_0757If you’re interested in supporting this local mom and purchasing a Fingerprint Journal of your own, make sure to visit their webpage and place your order!

Inkity Blinkity is the perfect gift this season for grandparents, new moms, or parents with young children, and their gift wrap options are custom and beautiful!

If Inkity Blinkity is a product you’d like to get more involved with, as part of their launch promotion, they’re offering a fundraiser code for PTAs, schools and other non-profits. 10% of orders using the organization’s fundraiser code will be donated to the organization. An organization can request a code by emailing [email protected]

In the meantime, Inkity Blinkity wants to share their amazing new product with you!

One reader will receive a FREE Inkity Blinkity Fingerprints Journal with custom gift wrap simply for entering the giveaway below!

[xyz-ihs snippet=”InkityBlinkity”]

Good Luck and Happy Capturing!

**Inkity Blinkity Fingerprint Journals has partnered with Dallas Moms Blog to introduce their newest product and provide an amazing giveaway to our readers. Although we received a complimentary book and compensation for this post, all opinions are 100% our own and we stand behind the product we’re endorsing. 

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Krystal Hurst
Krystal is a Dallas-native who began her career as a fourth grade teacher in Richardson RISD, but quickly changed paths to became a stay-at-home mom in 2011. Through a happy coincidence, she stumbled upon (what was then known as) Dallas Moms Blog in 2012 and found a community she’d been looking for since coming a mom. Shortly after joining the team, she gratefully accepted the “baton” passed to her as new owner of the site, and took off with it running full speed! Krystal not only helped to grow Dallas Moms into a large parenting resource, but also launched Collin County Moms in 2016; providing those in the north Dallas suburbs their community resource platform. While building a community, uniting the moms, and growing a business around this passion was a dream come true, after almost 10 years, Krystal officially stepped down as owner, and is now focusing on raising her 4 boys with her husband, Tim, and rediscovering old hobbies.


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