Family Law DFW :: Finding Financial Freedom & Divorce

This post has been sponsored by Family Law DFW to bring you this experience.

Family LawMore than the in-laws, more than the kids—couples argue about money more than anything else. 

It doesn’t matter if couples are wealthy or struggling, financial issues don’t discriminate.

People have different financial priorities, different comfort levels around risk, different ideas about debt. Couples can be devastated by an unexpected financial emergency or shocked when a partner over-extends the budget or has a secret credit card.

So, it’s no surprise that money-related conflicts are a leading cause of divorce. 

Who Manages the Finances?

In many families, men take on the traditional money management role, and women take a backseat, blindly trusting their partners. 

“Women need to wake up! Stop being a zombie and allowing your husband to handle all of the financials in your marriage!” urges Kim, whose experience is a cautionary tale for other wives. She worked full time and her husband had a good job and enjoyed sharing a lavish lifestyle with their family. It’s just that Kim didn’t realize they couldn’t afford it. 

“I had older stepchildren in college and younger tots in diapers. I was just trying to get through busy schedules, plus working full time,” she explains. It was the one-two punch of her husband losing his job, and then shortly after, Kim losing her own, that she discovered that they not only couldn’t afford the lifestyle they had been enjoying when they were employed but now they were financially drained.

“It’s easy to be on autopilot when you’re juggling kids’ activities when babies are in diapers. But couples must be on the same page with financials. I was completely blindsided.”

She felt angry and betrayed. “It’s financial infidelity,” she explains, I honestly would rather have found out my husband was having an affair than the financial devastation I discovered.”

Taking the Next Step

Kim filed for divorce. She reports feeling instant relief that now she would be able to control the budget—that her husband’s unchecked spending draining their income would end. She had a fresh start.

Divorce is not a solution for everyone. It’s a major step and comes with its own hardship and difficulty. But, for many, it can be the quickest way to relieve the pressure caused by a spouse whose spending is out of control. It’s a way for women to get back on track for the life they deserve. 

“Women often feel embarrassed when this happens. They are ashamed that they didn’t know what was going on. They imagine they are alone in their experience,” says Alexandra Geczi, PLLC.

Family Law DFW

But, this problem is more common than most people imagine. Geczi’s firm, Family Law DFW, specializes in helping women regain control over their financial health, especially those facing debt created by their spouses: husbands with addiction issues that have caused skyrocketing spending, or those who simply have bad credit or who hide assets and debt from their wives. Geczi and her team help women re-establish credit and sound budgets – guide them to move on with freedom from debt to live their best possible lives. 

“Until I had a complete picture of our finances, I had no idea our spending had actually been out of control for many years,” says Kim. “After living through the nightmare of both deceit and debt, I felt so relieved and empowered when I was able to regain control over my own finances—over my own life.” She urges women that the sooner they can become involved in understanding the family budget, the better. 

“Life is full of unexpected events. Anyone can lose a job, get sick, or have an accident that prevents them from being able to pay bills on time,” she says. “Now, my goal is to have at least six months living expenses in the bank so I don’t have to worry.”

{Family Law DFW Workshops}

Family Law DFW is offering a free, online workshop specifically tailored for married women in a financial situation that has them considering divorce. The program will provide valuable tips for how to prepare now, how to ensure their children’s protection, as well as an overview of the divorce process, and what they should expect. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2020, 11:30 a.m.

The free workshop covers:

  • An overview of the divorce process
  • The #1 thing to do to prepare now
  • How to protect your kids

A divorce planner will be provided to all attendees. Click HERE to register.



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