ASI Gymnastics - Rockwall

204 S Lakeshore Dr. Rockwall, Texas 75087
204 South Lakeshore Drive Rockwall Texas 75087 US


To offer the best gymnastics instruction possible to each child at their level.

At ASI, safety is our top priority. Every decision we make attempts to accentuate the physical, emotional and mental development of the athlete. We hope the gymnast has as much fun as possible while learning at the optimal level. We strive to challenge the gymnast as much as possible, while allowing the gymnast to continue to love the sport!

We believe that outstanding performance is achieved by the accumulation of skill and confidence in a progression. Gymnastics is the best sport in the world to teach this discipline, a quality that benefits a child in gymnastics and in life!

Our teaching priorities are safety, fun and skill acquisition.

470_LH.jpg 8 years ago
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