
Being a parent is a huge privilege and a demanding role, all tied up in one. The category of Parenting features articles to encourage and equip parents in every season and from every walk of life –from mom of teens and toddlers to working and stay-at-home moms — as well as tips, hacks, inspiration, and resources in Dallas that every parent needs to know about.

Dallas Moms publishes original, personal stories and advice from local moms, as well as relevant and fun information for those of us in the trenches of parenthood.

Every article published via Dallas Moms — whether someone from our in-house team, a guest writer, or a sponsored writer — uses their words to reflect their own opinions, experiences, and beliefs. No singular post or collection of posts represents the opinions, beliefs, or agenda of Dallas Moms.

  With one toddler, sometimes the days are magically rhythmic. He's decently behaved for a two year old, you have a routine and a schedule, mama's hair is sorta fixed every morning. You think, "I got this!" and roll along...
Did you know there is something you can do to make sure your children don’t drop out of high school, go to jail, get pregnant at 15, use drugs, or live in poverty? Yes, you can pray. But, there’s something else. Ready...
  Okay ladies...let's be honest? How you do feel about your master bedroom? Is it a relaxing place that you retreat to at the end of a busy day of working and parenting? Is it a place where paper piles...

A New Normal?!

I loved Lauren's post last week on the black hole of recovery. She wrote candidly about the things they don't tell us will inevitably happen after we deliver a sweet bundle of joy. But now, 20 months after delivering my...

Handling Sibling Rivalry

Sibling rivalry happens in every home with more than one child, doesn't it?  If it doesn't happen in your home, please share your magical secrets! :)  But, if you're like me, you've probably found yourself feeling like this. In our...

Tell Me More!

With the upcoming changes at Dallas Moms Blog and the addition of new contributors, it's a great time for us to learn a little more about our lovely readers. Although we could ramble on and on about whatever our...

A Day in The Life

The first week of December, I was so excited to actually see my "Mommy Diary" article published in Dallas Child Magazine. My day is not exactly riveting, and I am not some supermom making a huge impact on Dallas, but...
Dear Santa: I was thinking that perhaps you could get a little more creative this Christmas.  Body lotion, Snugglies, new dish towels…those are all really nice. But (insert yawn here) seriously, Santa, a mom only needs so many pairs of...
You know what time of year this is, right? This is the time of year where schedules get a little full, kids eat a little too much sugar, and it gets dark earlier so it feels like you have...

Stay Away Please

I'm sure it's happened to you. Your kid got sick from another kid from daycare, the church nursery, or playgroup. I know this has happened to us, and I'm sure we've been the culprit a few times as well. But sometimes it's so easy...

Thankful at Thanksgiving

Sometimes, it is hard to get kids to understand being thankful. With the overwhelming flood of toys, gifts, candy, etc. that the holidays bring on, sometimes its good to bring our kiddos back to reality and what we are...

Sibling Harmony

I am so thankful for my relationships with my two sisters. We have always been close. Growing up, we spent almost all of our time together. Although we definitely had our share of fights, we have also always been...




Save the Date :: July Kid-Friendly Events in Dallas

How do $2 movies sound? Or concerts by the lake? A magic show . . . the circus? There is so much to do with the kids this month! Have a look at our roundup of family-friendly July events in Dallas.