I fell in love with the movie version of Eva Peron's rise from the slums of Argentina to the presidential mansion.  Now, I can't wait to catch Tony Award-winning musical, written by Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber, here...
Awesome Brands. Loads of Giveaways. Lots of chitchat. Do we have your attention yet?! You’re invited to join Dallas Moms Blog and City Moms Blog Network along with 35+ Sister Sites for a fun Twitter party where we’ll chat about 20+ of our network’s favorite...
It makes sense, loving bargains as much as I do, that I am a huge fan of the public library.  I enjoy buying the occasional book, but my motto is usually: Why buy it when I can borrow it...
Dallas is filled with great opportunities for kids during the summer. (You can see the complete list of Dallas area camps here.) But there's something extra special happening at The J! Continue reading on to discover more about their performing arts and...
We've reached a big, fun milestone here at Casa Lauro!  My sweet baby girl has just turned 6 months old and we are finally ready for the fun stuff -- baby food!!  What is it about seeing these little...
Last Friday, we anxiously awaited an accurate weather forecast to predict how our second outdoor event {ever!} would begin: cancelled due to thunderstorms or would the skies clear just for our event? THANKFULLY, the weather decided to hold off until...
It's only the beginning of April, and we're already thinking about Summer! How much we love the 100+ degree days of humid Texas weather. When about the only thing you can do to beat the heat is live in...
My daughter knew I was pregnant before I did. We were lying in bed together after a nap and she leaned over, kissed my belly and said, "Hi Baby! I love you!" and went on with her day.  Because I...
Before I became a Mom, I was a Kindergarten teacher for four years.  If you walked into my classroom, you would almost always hear a song playing.  If it was during our work time, I had classical music playing...
NeriumAD Brand Partner Brandy Stanley sponsored the following post to provide more information about a new age-defying cream that women and moms may find beneficial. We know that there are a lot of skin care products on the market...
Denim jumpers. Fourteen children crammed in a fifteen-passenger van. Colorful letters-of-the-alphabet signs doubling as home decor... This is what I thought the homeschooling mother was all about. That is until I became one.  I had read other posts about how great homeschooling...
I always thought I was one of the lucky ones -- a mom whose kid would eat practically anything. And then, toddlerhood happened. It started innocently enough, with a closer examination of the things he was putting in his mouth....




2024 Guide to VBS in Dallas County

We're always on the lookout for things to do with kids during summer break. How about some affordable VBS?