Kelly Mock

Kelly Mock
Kelly and husband Christopher are a business owning couple in the Frisco area. Kelly handles the digital marketing from home, while parenting her spunky daughter Hallie (June 2014), baby girl Elise (2019), puppy dog Stella, and running her own personal blog Kelly loves holidays and any reason to celebrate! You can often find her baking cookies in the kitchen or working on crafts or DIY projects with a little help from Pinterest. Kelly is an avid reader, and really enjoys mysteries and thrillers! She loves perusing Target, lives on coffee and carbs, and in the rare incident she is alone she is probably belting out Journey songs in her car! Follow along with Kelly on Instagram @happilyevermock.
ways to beat the heat with kids

Beat the Heat with These Cool Summer Activities

The kids are out of school and summer is upon us here in Texas. Parents all around the metroplex are trying to find a good balance between keeping kids both occupied and cool in...

6 {Printables} for National Scavenger Hunt Day

Did you know that May 24th is National Scavenger Hunt Day? I had no idea that was even a thing! But I love any reason to celebrate, so celebrate we must! To honor this...

7 DIY Mother’s Day Gifts {for Someone Else} to Make

Mother’s Day is quickly approaching! As mothers, we are generally the ones to thoughtfully plan out each and every holiday. Mother’s Day is our turn to sit back and let our loved ones spoil...

6 Family-Friendly Meatless Meals that Pack the Nutrition

Whether you're doing Meatless Monday or it’s a Friday during Lent, it’s a good idea to have a few meatless meals in your arsenal. I like to make sure that when there isn’t a...

They’ve Thought of Everything! Pre-K at Trinity Christian Academy

Have you heard?  TCA has a stunning new home. Their youngest learners to get the finest introduction to their education. Trinity Christian Academy opened its doors to a beautiful new Pre-K facility, August 2020....

Match These Must-See Romantic Comedies to Your Enneagram Type

I am no Enneagram expert, but I really enjoy reading and learning more about it. The more I learn, the more I find myself “typing” friends, family, and TV characters. I thought it would...

Delayed Gratification With Kids

We live in a culture of “now”.  In the current climate of our world, it's becoming harder for children to learn the imperative skill of delayed gratification. Since the Stanford Marshmallow Experiment of 1972, studies...

Virtual School {Take 2}

The holiday season is over, “…and Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again”.  For our family and many others, school looks a lot different these days.  Rather than dropping my...

24 Days of Elf on the Shelf :: Kindness Challenge

We are big fans of the Elf on the Shelf tradition in our house! Maybe you even saw my post a couple years ago A Simple 25 Day Guide to Elf on the Shelf....

Marble Falls :: Worth Every Trip!

If you're looking for a fun family getaway just a short drive from Dallas, Marble Falls, TX is the perfect spot! It has everything you'd want in a family vacation. Beautiful scenery, great food,...

Choose Medical City Dallas Women’s Hospital for your Delivery

Becoming a parent is such an exciting and beautiful occasion.  One that also comes with a lot of emotions.  Even during the most average circumstances, parents have concerns and fears that accompany welcoming a...

5 Must-Try Pumpkin Recipes for Fall

Just call me basic. As soon as there's the slightest chill in the air, (cough **below 90 degrees** cough) I'm pulling on my Uggs and stocking up on pumpkin puree for my favorite pumpkin...