Kelly Counts

Kelly Counts
Kelly is a Texas transplant who has been living in Dallas the last 2 years. She is a mother of three with one on the way and a homeschooler. In her proliferous free time she reads, runs, (w)rites and cooks.
tips for visiting the State Fair of Texas with kids

A Family Fun Guide to the State Fair of Texas

Updated in 2021. One woman, three children, and one visiting grandpa. Find out how this family not only survived the State Fair of Texas, but managed to get everyone back home—via the train—in one happy,...

The Languages of Love

I'll admit it: I'm an affectionate person.  I love to cuddle with my with my kids, canoodle with my husband and even let my dog sleep curled up behind my legs for a...

Come Play at the Palaestra

  My kids, like all kids, have a lot  of energy. And while I enjoy taking them to the many wonderful parks Dallas has, going on bike rides, or even playing in the front yard...sometimes...

Confession: I’m Nursing A Toddler

Oh my gosh! Did you see that woman nursing her almost 2 year old??? Oh wait, that was me. Truth be told, I never intended for it to be this way. Don't get me wrong: I...

Welcome Trader Joe’s!

Something new is coming to Dallas - have you heard? If you've ever had friends or family from the West Coast, or any other city where this very special store has a location you'll...

Making Lemons out of Lemonade

Rule 146: Never never never never EVER discuss what you are going to take your children to do before the event actually arrives. (Parenting Handbook, Revised version 4,987) *  *  *  * I admit it...I break...

Shopping Made Easy

Right now I am in the middle of packing for a whirlwind trip to San Diego for the weekend, with only my little Abigail to accompany me. And while my life B/K (before kids)...

Pizza Party Anyone?

Over the last 6 years we've had all kinds of birthday parties in this household. We've had family parties, friends parties, park parties, and even parties where I literally baked three full pans of baked...
homeschool options in Dallas

Adventures in Homeschooling (in Dallas)

As the end of the school year rolls around, Dallas parents face the looming question: "Where will my child(ren) go to school in the fall?" For some, it will be private or charter schools;...

City Spotlight: Richardson

They say living in Texas is like living in five different countries.  There are the piney woods of East Texas, the rolling beauty of the Hill Country down south, the mountains of Big Bend...

Biking with Babies

Two weeks ago our family experienced a momentous occasion: our 6 year old daughter learned how to ride a bike! The joy! The excitement! The pressure! And so, when my little big girl learned...

Finding Your Style: Natural Parenting

People often ask me how I managed to come to the decision of having a homebirth. My short answer? This is Dallas, and one of the benefits of living here is having at least...