Cassidy Phan

Cassidy Phan
Cassidy and her husband Jackson live in Garland with their daughters, Evelyn (March 2010) and Penny (June 2014). Both she and Jackson consider themselves wanna be foodies-neither are great at cooking but love eating great food. You can follow along with their Dallas Foodie adventures on Instagram @JustEatDallas. Beyond eating, she enjoys traveling, afternoon naps, and reading blogs. Follow her at

My Home is a Pinterest Fail

When my husband and I were house hunting, the moment we walked into our now home, I saw endless possibility.  I imagined a beautiful painting hanging over our fireplace, luxurious drapes in the formal...

When Nursing Hurts, Physically and Emotionally

When I was in the seventh grade, I came back from Christmas break and everyone was discussing what they had received as presents that year.  I don’t remember what it was that I was...
Galaxy Drive In Ennis Review Family Date Night

Family Date Night at the Drive-In Theater

A few weeks ago on a Saturday night, my husband and I were sitting on the couch trying to decide what to do for the evening. We were bored and looking to do something...

Cheerios and Racism Don’t Belong Together

Over the last few days, I have many well intentioned people asking me how *I* felt about the Cheerios controversy. For those who are just like me and missed the dramatic headlines, Cheerios has...

Lani Khong Photography

Photography is one of my favorite forms of art. To me, it is inspiring to look at a single moment captured and try to discover the emotion of that slice of time. After attending an event...

Save Room for Dessert at Sweet Mix

If I could get away with it, I would eat desserts for every meal.  I’m a bad example for my child-I won’t eat all of my dinner just to save room for dessert.  I...

Artizone: Amazing Local Food Vendors Delivered to Your Door!

My husband and I like to pretend we are foodies.  We obsess over food blogs, 75% of the TV shows we watch are about food, and prefer to dine local.  Back in the pre...

Safer Than the Side of the Highway: Local Bluebonnet Spots

When I was a kid, my mom used to pull over on the side of the highway to take pictures of me and my brother in fields of bluebonnets.  I can remember cars whizzing...

Add this to your weekend to do list: White Rock Local Market

This weekend, White Rock Local Market (WRLM) celebrated it's 2013 opening weekend.  I've driven past it on a few different occasions, so when I read that it was coming back I was determined to go. ...

Tutus, Tiaras, and Tea. Oh My!

I wear makeup maybe twice a month.  My hair is almost exclusively in a bun.  I hate shopping for myself, growing up there was plenty of trips with me in tears shouting, "I'M DONE!"...

When Pooping Doesn’t Feel Right

I am an oversharer on Facebook.  I post a considerable amount of pictures (almost exclusively of my daughter) and update randomly. Last week, I found myself typing out, "For parents of potty trained kids-what do...

Activites for ALL of Your Children (Dogs Included)!

In 2003, seven years before my daughter came along, my husband and I adopted our first baby-a puppy we named Shrek. He was the cutest ball of fur, loved to smile and had boundless...