Amanda Lauro

Amanda Lauro
Amanda is a co-sleeping, wine drinking, homeschool teaching, Bravo/HGTV watching, wife/mom/step mom. She married her fun hacker husband, Tony, almost 9 years ago and became a stepmom to 2 really cool kids, Nick and Izzy. Then she had 2 more cool kids - Miles and Natalie. Recently moved back to Dallas (from Frisco), Amanda and family can't get enough of urban living. Check out her blog at Miles Away From Suburbia.  All the pictures she posts of her kids on IG. And all the dinners she'll never make on Pinterest.  

The Last Time I Nursed My Baby

My baby girl, Natalie, turned 1 last week...  And stared walking...  And stopped nursing.  Pass the tissues (and the wine) -- I'm a mess. ONE. It's just such huge milestone.  Watching her toddle around the house...

Our Fur Babies :: Loved by pawtree, Even Though They’re Not #1 {Sponsored Giveaway!)

Did you know at least 62% of American households have at least one pet in their home? Even though us mamas are all about our natural babies, our fur babies need a little love...

So, What DO you do all day?

As a Stay-at-Home Mom I've had a few well meaning (I hope) friends and family members ask me the weirdest question before -- "so, I mean, what exactly DO you do all day?" And I...

Making the Transition from 1 to 2 :: Not As Easy As You’d Think!

Despite how difficult babies can be, I still remember my son's first year of life as good!  Maybe not easy-breezy, but I wouldn't say horrible or too miserable.  Of course, we had our struggles...

The Power of A Parent’s Words

Nothing will make a mom stop dead in her tracks like the first time she hears her own words echoed by her kid.   I'll never forget when my 4 year old niece said...

Music Together of Dallas – Why Your Children Will Love This Music Class

When my son was born, I was really into this Paolo Nutini song.  Usually when I find a new song I like, I download the album and listen to it on repeat for days,...

Best of Pinterest (Last-Minute) Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

I've got to hand it to some of you creative geniuses—you never cease to amaze me! A friend posted a link to an awesome, creative, unique Mother's Day gift idea, one so great you wish...

Making Your Own Baby Food

We've reached a big, fun milestone here at Casa Lauro!  My sweet baby girl has just turned 6 months old and we are finally ready for the fun stuff -- baby food!!  What is...

What?! You Gave My Infant the Wrong Vaccine!?

It was the very first time I'd tried to take my 4 month old and my 3 and a half year old to their doctors' appointments together --  and I felt like such an...

Baby Wearing – How and Why You’ll Love it

Most new moms will agree that there is nothing quite as sweet as your baby sleeping on your chest -- breathing in sync with one another, smelling their sweet baby smell, watching their eyelids...

Normalize It! Why You Shouldn’t Be Ashamed to Breastfeed in Public – With...

Last month Gisele Bundchen (the super model) and I posted very similar pictures of ourselves on the same day. Ha!  Ok, there was only one thing in common - we we're both breastfeeding our babies....

Our Favorite (Toddler Tested) Marshmallow Activities

When it comes to DIY activities ~ I am the worst.  I wish Pinterest had a filter for the "Super Mom" and the "rest of us" -- because I need the more realistic activities...