A Sign of the Times :: Myopia Management

This post has been sponsored by Neuro-Vision Associates of North Texas. All opinions are 100% our own.

“No devices at the table!” and, “You have ten more minutes!” are said way too often at my house.  If it isn’t her iPad, she is begging for my cell phone or browsing Disney+.  I’m equally guilty of surfing social media, and I really dislike those screentime reports that tattle on my inability to break my device addiction.  Did you know that this up-close screen time can severely damage our children’s eyesight over time?  That’s why Treehouse Eyes, specializing in Myopia management, and Neuro-Vision Associates of North Texas are here to save the day!

Treehouse Eyes

Neuro-Vision Associates of North Texas specialize in many types of eye care. However, what makes them stand out above the rest is their partnership with the dedicated program, Treehouse Eyes, the country’s leading Myopia management service.  This revolutionary system is designed to treat your child’s Myopia and significantly reduce the threat of more serious eye diseases.

What is Myopia?

Myopia is an eye disease with the symptom of nearsightedness (blurry distance vision).  Approximately 15 million children in the US are Myopic; however, it’s not a disease many parents know about.  If left untreated, your child’s vision will continue to deteriorate.  The good news is that it is treatable, and there is an office in Plano that is here to help every step of the way.  

Increased risk with Myopia includes retinal detachment, cataracts, glaucoma, and Myopic Maculopathy (Macular Degeneration).  Myopic Maculopathy is the most common complication of high Myopia which is a slowly progressive sight-threatening condition.  It is one of the top five causes of blindness that remains entirely treatable.

What causes Myopia?

A significant contributor to eyesight and Myopia includes genetics. My husband and I both grew up alternating glasses and contacts, so we try to stay on top of when our daughter will inevitably need them as well.  

Other contributors to Myopia include environment (sunlight, Vitamin D, Dopamine levels, and time spent indoors), Peripheral Hyperopia (routine correction constantly moving images behind the retina which may continually signal the eye to grow), and near work (extended reading and use of electronic devices).  I know that extended periods of time in front of a screen is a big one for lots of us.  Make sure you get time outside away from your devices and that you schedule routine vision checks.  

Treating Myopia

While there are various intervention programs such as Atropine, Ortho-Kand SCL’s (soft contact lenses), the most important step is to make an appointment to find out what program is the most beneficial for your child specifically.  Neuro-Vision Associates of North Texas is offering your child, ages 4+, a free Myopia eye consultation to see if you need the services of Treehouse Eyes for Myopia management.

The goal of Myopia management is to slow or even stop the progression of Myopia and reduce its impact on a child’s life. Being curious about my own daughter’s eyesight, I eagerly took advantage of the free Myopia eye consultation.  From the moment we walked in the door, I knew we were in good hands.  They greeted my daughter and spoke to her instead of only talking to me.  That’s a huge plus as a mom in regards to customer service.  My 7-year old remained the focus of attention, and this made her feel like a princess.  We followed the staff to a kid-friendly room decorated as if you are actually in a treehouse where you sit in the chair and are surrounded by greenery. Dr. Shidlofsky is not only knowledgeable in his craft but also on how to work with kids.  He never hesitated to answer any questions that either of us had along the way.  The earlier Myopia management begins, the more effective the treatment. 

Don’t hesitate.  Call today or go online to schedule your free consultation.




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