A Love Letter To Trader Joes


Dear Trader Joes,

I have been meaning to tell you, I love you. 

I love walking through your doors and being welcomed by the prettiest, affordable flowers. They are perfect for our house or a nice gesture to bring to someone else.  Often times my son enjoys picking some out for me.  They brighten up my day.

And don’t get me started on those adorable little grocery carts that are perfect size for my kids to push around and help me shop.  It is so fun to watch them help me grocery shop for our family and they also get a little exercise out of it.  A win-win for everyone!

Trader Joe's

Don’t you even think about complaining about your size, because you are the perfect size!  You make it so easy for me to come visit you, without overstaying my welcome. I get what I need, sometimes more (but that’s okay, right?), but all in a timely manner.  What’s even better, this is happens even when I bring the kids.

You know way to my heart—food.  As I browse the delicious fruit aisle, I am greeted with the most amazing snacks, with a beverage.  Now I know you are tempting me, and I get it.  I must say, you have also won over my kids with your scrumptious, little treats. Your food and drinks are just too delicious not to buy and share with the family. 

After a nice long day you have wine, beer and wonderful juices waiting for me.  They make the trip well worth it.  You have the perfect assortment of fine wines and reasonably-priced wine.  I also love the beer and that you support others in the community, carrying local beers.  Those juices you have for me are so sweet, especially the Watermelon Juice during those warm months. 

Have I told you how much I love your food? Especially those sweet treats. Those pink and white cookies just melt in my mouth.  They are a hit at any party I go to and leave with an empty box. And your frozen treats, Hold the Cone and Mango/Raspberry Cream bars fill those sweet cravings—which you give me!

When we leave your store, you ALWAYS help take my groceries out and bag them with a smile on your face, asking me how I am doing and having such a genuine conversation.  Then to top it off, if I have my kids, you give them not only stickers, but a lollipop too!

Even when I am not visiting you, you are still on my mind.  I make the most lovely, appealing meals and all I can think is how much I love you for making it so simple for me to make dinner and lunches that we all can enjoy.  From your ready-made meals to the frozen ones, I can’t go wrong.  You make my heart skip a beat and fill my belly.

Here are my Top Ten favorite meals/snacks from Trader Joes (in no particular order).

  1. Stuffed Turkey Peppers (ready-made)
  2. Vegetable Spring Rolls (freezer)
  3. The whole Indian Food selection (freezer)
  4. Chile Relleno (freezer)
  5. The Cheese Selection
  6. Meat Lasagna (ready-made)
  7. Brisket (ready-made)
  8. Parmesan Pastry Pups (freezer)
  9. Hasselback Potatos/Scallop Potatoes (freezer/refrigerator setion)
  10. Bagged Salads (vegetable section)

Sorry if this is too up front, but I had to tell you how I feel.  Now, no one is perfect. You are missing a few items that would help me, such as diapers. I do love coming to visit, but would also appreciate if you could bring my groceries out to me. I’m a little high-maintenance, aren’t we all sometimes? 🙂 

I hope this letter finds you well and that your day is as beautiful as you are.






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