3 Intentional Words for 2020


It’s January. And on top of that, it’s a new decade. The buzz of New Year’s resolutions is all around us. It’s hard to avoid, as it has become a widely used, and likely successful, marketing tactic as well… particularly by businesses in the health and wellness realm.

Because how often does losing 10 pounds surface as a New Year’s resolution? Fitness studios, meal planning and prep services, and weight loss programs have all been known to spark campaigns this time of year built around your resolutions. In my opinion, they are simply preying on our fears. 

How often have your New Year’s resolutions failed? And how does that make you feel? For me, I fail often, and I’m left feeling pretty poorly about myself afterwards. So the resolution goes out the window, and I move through the rest of my year ignoring how I really want to be and feel and usually operating within a pretty negative mindset.

This year, this decade, I encourage you to try something new. Consider setting New Year’s intentions, not resolutions, for your year. 

“Why,” you ask?

Because Mindset is Everything.

A resolution is literally defined as a firm decision to do or not do something. But it sets us up for failure, as resolutions usually don’t also come with a plan.

Resolutions are limiting and often based in fear. You fear being fat and never losing baby weight, so you set a resolution that you must lose 10 pounds, for example. Losing 10 pounds is the only thing that will make you feel successful and accomplished in this case. 

You then find yourself stepping on the scale and measuring your self-worth by a number. If you don’t lose 10 pounds, you’ve not achieved your resolution and have failed. You focus on that one thing. 

This approach encourages a fixed mindset and ultimately leaves you feeling worse than you did on December 31st.

3 Words for 2020

What if, instead, you could settle on three words for 2020 that will help guide you in the direction you want your life to go? Help shape your mindset for all you do in the year to come.

In the example above, perhaps the words “move,” “believe,” and “nourish” would be appropriate? One day a spinach salad might be nourishing to your body, and the next day binging on Netflix and having a bowl of ice cream might be nourishing to your soul. “Move” would allow you to choose movements that your body finds pleasing. Maybe Orange Theory or a yoga class one day, a walk down the street with your toddler the next, and laying in bed the next. And “believe” will guide your decision-making and lead to greater self-confidence in all you do.

A mentor of mine encourages me to start my year off with three words that would embody how I want to be in the coming year or what I want to manifest more of. I now use this practice to help live intentionally throughout the year. 

It allows me the freedom to live in the present moment. Each and every moment is an opportunity for me to make decisions that foster a particular way of being or feeling. 

I look back on the previous year and forward to my hopes and dreams, and I think about just how I want to show up for myself, my family, and the world.

This year, I choose growth, trust and positivity. 

As I move through 2020, these three words will provide purpose and meaning to my choices, actions, and beliefs. They will guide me in my personal and professional life to be the wife, mom, friend, and business owner I want to be. What I decide to do or don’t do may change every single day, but it still comes from a place of intention. 

This, in turn, fosters more openness and a growth mindset which, insider’s secret… will help you achieve and likely surpass that resolution you were going to set in the first place.

Mindset is Everything. Happy New Year!

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Hilliary Giglio
Hilliary grew up in St. Louis, Missouri, but has lived in many places across the U.S., settling in Dallas in 2018 with her husband and (now) two sons. She is a Certified Pediatric Sleep Specialist and Family Coach, and owner of Tranquil Beginnings. Prior to this, she spent much of her professional career working to improve the lives of children and families, utilizing her education in psychology, social work, and nonprofit management and fundraising to provide care for children, support little ones with developmental disabilities, teach trauma informed yoga and mindfulness to youth who have suffered Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), and raise money for healthcare systems and mid-sized nonprofits. When she isn't changing families' lives through her work, she can be found enjoying the city's kid-friendly activities, working her way through Dallas' culinary scene, exploring the outdoors, practicing yoga, and enjoying live music!



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