Volunteering with the {Whole Family}


The spirit of giving is all around us during the holidays. While it is always a great time to give back, this time of year reminds us of that even more. Don’t call up grandma to keep the kids just yet so you can volunteer though, there are many opportunities to involve the kids in giving back and volunteering alike! It’s never too early to introduce our littles to the idea of helping those in need and that everyone doesn’t enjoy the same comforts we do, and could use a little help. In efforts to grow kind human beings, teaching empathy is so important.

Here are some amazing opportunities to help your communities with your whole family:

Feed My Starving Children

Ages: 5+

Photo c/o: Feed My Starving Children 

FMSC has no minimum number of volunteers required, so if you and your kiddo want to volunteer just the two of you, this could be perfect! At FMSC you pack nutrient-filled, dry foods into bags to be sent to hungry children all over the world. They make it so easy: you just go on their website and entire your criteria for a packing time, and choose one that works best for you. Fun Fact: If you choose to go to FMSC, you will receive a free shirt, and volunteers will sing happy birthday!

Wee Volunteer

Ages: School-age

Wee Volunteer was started when one mom realized volunteer opportunities for her kids were limited. The website has a calendar of events you can easily check to see when you can sign up to volunteer as well as they also have a private project option if you have a group. All of their projects are tailored for pre-school and school-age kids. Some of these projects include Meals on Big Wheels and Wipe Out Graffiti.

The Buddy League

Ages: 8+

Photo c/o: The Buddy League

Have a sports enthusiast who would love to share their love of the game with a peer who wouldn’t ordinarily be able to participate? This special league pairs a special needs player with a buddy to help them play the game to the best of their ability. This organization provides a great opportunity for both players to learn and grow utilizing enthusiasm, determination, and each other’s strengths.

Heritage Farmstead Museum

Ages: All Ages

Farmstead cleanups are every first and third Saturdays of the month from 10AM-12PM for those who don’t mind getting dirty and aren’t afraid of a little old-fashioned hard work.
Other volunteer opportunities are available as tour guides, gardening, being a host/hostess for the museum. There is something for everyone!

Hope Supply Co.

Ages: Any Age

The goal of Hope Supply Co. is just that, to supply hope to at-risk and homeless families and children. Sorting, counting, and labeling to prepare supplies to be given out are the main volunteer activities. Volunteer days are Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.
If you want to help but aren’t able to donate time, they also need supplies.

Another great way to give is to create a hope in a box. These can be either hygiene knits or a birthday box for a specific gender/age range of your choice!

Salvation Army Angel Trees

Ages: Any Age

Kids of any age can pick an angel off a tree! This is a great way to introduce the idea of giving and not just receiving for the holidays. My kids picked out a child their same age and they were surprised their wish list was much like their own Christmas lists. They were thrilled to know they would be putting smiles on other children’s faces.


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