6 Tips for Homeschooling Multiple Kids


tips for homeschooling

In all seriousness, homeschooling multiple children is something of a dramatic play. Well, at least in my mind it is. I’m sure most homeschooling mothers will agree they are perfectly capable of educating their children and tailoring the learning to fit each child’s needs. A homeschooling mom is the daily dose of grace, truth, and love for their children. However, it IS work!

I am not Mary Poppins. There are days that the house is a hot mess, and the kids are in complete conflict over every little thing. If you thought I had it all figured out—scratch that!

tips for homeschooling

But in my six years of homeschool, I can say I’ve learned a thing or two about homeschooling multiple kids. Let’s talk about a toddler who eats paper and a preschooler with a five-minute attention span. Yes, that sounds like fun, doesn’t it? But wait, there’s more . . . I homeschool four!

Let’s add in a hyper, sensory-seeking first grader, and place the fourth grader in the lead for extra attitude. It makes for a very interesting cast of characters! Without further ado, here’s my list of six things I’ve learned during my journey, complete with pictures and helpful links.

1. Be Realistic

Young children will not sit for long, so don’t plan for that. I’m not saying lower your expectations. I’m just saying, it’s best to plan to be flexible as you educate your older children. So, what works for me is a method I picked up from my years as a public-school teacher. I Do, We Do, You Do.

This simply means, Mom instructs for a few minutes, we work on a concept or activity together, and then you do something on your own. This allows me to bounce from kid to kid, giving them each a little individualized time. We do most of our learning together, and I strive to allow each child to engage with the learning on their level.

My mommy box is full of manipulatives and engaging activities for my preschooler and my toddler. It’s like having a bag of tricks ready for their wiggles and jiggles.

2. Rule Your Routine

There is nothing worse than starting a homeschool day with NO PLANS. Yes, be flexible but have a routine that the kids know and stick with. Don’t laugh, but the most important part of our routine is breakfast and a morning snack! I make sure my kiddos get their energy out and eat well before I start school. This keeps the wiggles down in the morning, and right before their attention drifts at about 10ish, we grab a light morning snack.

3. Make It Special

You will be amazed at what a family activity, game, or read-aloud will do! I remember a wise lady advising me to always have mini puzzles, crayons, paper, magnetic letters, crafts, games, and fun books ready to start each day.

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4. Simple Sensory

I know sensory play can be scary. However, if you plan for the mess, I promise you can get tons of work done as your little ones let their imagination run wild. Young children will sit in their highchair or on the floor with a tray or a plastic bin full of beans, rainbow rice, Play-Doh, kinetic sand, water beads (only for three years old or older), craft bins, and so much more.

tips for homeschooling5. Learning Together

The sensory stations are truly the only thing that will keep them occupied for hours. However, I often try to find ways to involve everyone in the learning. One way to involve younger children is during unit studies. You can find toys, coloring sheets and other hands-on activities that even your toddler can enjoy.

During our insect study, I printed a few pictures of butterflies and ladybugs for the little ones to color. I reused their coloring sheets throughout the unit and created a field of flowers and insects for my toddler to play in. To my surprise, my toddler and preschooler listened to the information as they enjoyed some imaginary play.

6. Enriching Technology

We added two educational websites to our homeschool resources: ABC Mouse and Education.com. They are filled with exciting activities and games as well as loads of curriculum.

In addition to these websites, we also added e-books to our classroom. My fourth grader absolutely loves e-books, and you will too! E-books allow your kids to build a visual as they listen to the story. The theatrical reading will enhance comprehension.

Since we’re talking about e-books, let’s end with a great list of books for you, MOM! Yes, there are so many great books on homeschooling. I hope you will take a listen and add some of these ideas to your day.

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