Tiny House: 15 Reasons to Live Small in Dallas


While it might not fit the universal definition of a tiny house (under 500 sf, according to a google search), my house is small by Dallas’ standards. Especially when you take into account our living things to square foot ratio: 6 people and two dogs with less than 200sf each. 

We have looked at bigger homes for several years, but haven’t pulled the trigger because our location is so fantastic thanks to our proximity to parks and to amazing neighbors and to restaurants alike. 

But now we are in a season where a bigger space may be on the horizon, and while I am so excited to spread OUT a smidgey bit, I also wanted to take an opportunity to recognize all the things I have loved about living in this smaller space for the last 9 years. What is so funny is I asked my small-house friends on facebook, and they came up with all the same answers! So if you’re needing encouragement to keep it small in Dallas, here are 15 great reasons to love a small house.

  1. I don’t need a baby monitor to hear a baby cry.
  2. I overhear any unorthodox play between kids, because I can hear the goings-on of all rooms when I am in our kitchen. 
  3. Everyone goes outside, a lot. For fun and sometimes for time out.
  4. I can vacuum my entire house with a corded Dyson without unplugging once. 
  5. I don’t lament ANY “unused space.” (P.S. buahahahahahahahahaha unused space)
  6. I am better about getting rid of toys and clothes because I can’t fit them. 
  7. We spend less money on “stuff” gifts because we can’t fit any more “stuff” inside. Instead we invest in experiences, which we believe are better anyways! (see also: travel)
  8. It’s made me adopt a wardrobe capsule. Actually to be totally honest here, my house is to a tiny house as my closet is to a wardrobe capsule. I have 100 items, not 8. But for this lifelong clothing collector, 100 items is a feat. No, this doesn’t include workout clothes, shoes, or undergarments. But 100 hangers hold all of my shirts, sweaters, pants, skirts, and dresses.
  9. I give more away. I don’t have space to keep things around that I don’t love, so I am better about deploying them to someone who can use them. This is different than #6 because it’s more intentional. I can brainstorm “who could use this” whereas my charity drops are more “just get it out.” Both have a place.
  10. My kids will sleep through anything. Friends who have been present for an adult dance party after hours can attest to the fact that I’m not exaggerating; they sleep through anything
  11. Love grows best in little houses. 3 of my kids still share 1 bedroom, and I truly believe their relationship is sweeter today because they have been squished together since forever. 
  12. It’s faster to clean the whole house – takes me about 3 hours, but some small house friends have told me they can do it all in even less time.
  13. There’s a smaller cost to heat or cool. Smaller bills every month are our friend!
  14. Our low mortgage leaves more room in the budget for other things!
  15. I love being closer to kids when someone wakes in the night – whether a baby with a need or a big kids with a nightmare. 

After years of wishing for more space, I am occasionally now having pangs of bittersweetness come over me as I think of leaving this place where our family has grown for so many years. I have loved our “tiny” house and the way it has cultivated our relationships the past 8 years. 

Do you live in a smaller home for Dallas? What do you love most about it? 


  1. Wonderfully said! We love our 1200 square foot house, and hope to keep our growing family there for years!

  2. I love small houses. We just left our 1300 sq ft Dallas house last year, and I completely agree with all of the above. We now have over 2800 sq ft, and while I admittedly love the space…there is nothing like the charm of that older, smaller home. I miss it. And I lament the fact that overall, Dallas mentality is “bigger is better.” Before long, none of those adorable, tiny homes will be left. Thanks for the article!

  3. I love your blog Rachel! Spot on. I used to live in a small house ? now live in one double the size and miss our old place! Every point so true!


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