Ten Reasons Dallas Is Better than Houston {A Friendly Rivalry}


A Friendly #RhoD Inspired Rivalry!When I decided to move from Dallas to Houston for law school in 2007, I was truly and completely unaware of the great Dallas vs. Houston debate. It was all Texas, which was good enough for me. But the first time I introduced myself to a Houstonian with a chip on his shoulder about Dallas, I learned real quick that not everyone agreed with me that Dallas and Houston were basically the same thing.

After living there for three years, I have to say that my original opinion was mostly on point. Houston is, indeed, still Texas, albeit a slightly swampier, more down-to-earth version than Dallas. But if you force me, I’ll admit that I think Dallas edges Houston out in this very unofficial, which is better contest. Here are ten reasons I think Dallas is objectively better than Houston.

1.  The Mexican food.

There can be no legitimate dispute that El Fenix and Mi Cocina >> Ninfa’s. I mean, case closed, right? (To be fair, I have strong opinions about chips and queso. You can find my favorite Dallas queso spots here.) Dallas is also responsible for the very first frozen margarita, so I think we can safely take credit for all the fun you had in college.

2.  Dirk Nowitski.

Our favorite seven-foot power forward is arguably one of the most likeable guys in the NBA. He’s been the heart and soul of the Dallas Mavericks since he began his NBA career here in 1998, and he led the team to our one and only NBA championship in 2011. Everyone loves Dirk, and he’s all ours.

3.  The traffic sucks slightly less.

Hear me on this, friends: Dallas traffic sucks. There’s no question. On a bad day, 635 is like a parking lot, and I’d rather die than be caught on 75 heading north at 5:30. But Houston is worse. Officially. It’s also just bigger, and if you find yourself needing to get from the top of the Beltway to the bottom, you’d better pack a snack.

4.  The weather sucks slightly less.

Neither place is California, right? Summers are brutal, and both Houston and Dallas are subject to dangerous weather conditions (e.g., Dallas: tornadoes and Houston: hurricanes). But y’all. I don’t think I could have survived another August in Houston. You’re drenched the minute you step out the door, and you can forget about actually doing anything outside during the summer months. Everyone warned me about the humidity, but I could never have prepared myself for it. My hair sucked for basically the entirety of law school.

5.  The State Fair of Texas.

10 Reasons Dallas Is Better than Houston 1

Fried everything and a butter sculpture? Count me in. Texas’s most wonderful and ridiculous display of state pride has been located in Dallas since it began in 1886, and it’s the actual best. Houston claims the Livestock Show and Rodeo, which is fine. But there’s no Fried Bacon Cinnamon Roll.

6.  We got our very own TV show.

First Dallas and now the Real Housewives? And we must all promise to never, ever forget the magic that was Walker, Texas Ranger.

Houston? Well, it had Reba there for awhile…

7.  Home of the $30,000 millionaire.

There’s no doubt. Dallas is filled to the brim with guys in Affliction shirts paying for bottle service with nearly maxed-out credit cards. They are Dallas’s most native creature, and they wouldn’t dare migrate south. (“Like, do they even brunch in Houston?“) Get yourself to Concrete Cowboy on a Friday night and you can see them in their natural habitat.

8.  Zoning is a thing here.

Look, Houston is a true melting pot (particularly compared to Dallas), and it’s awesome. It’s probably my favorite thing about Houston. But the city’s refusal to adopt zoning regulations results in some . . . interesting neighborhoods. Houstonians would argue that the city does regulate land use and that the eclectic feel of some portions of the city is a strength, not a weakness. I say it’s just weird to have a strip club and a church along the same street.

9.  Snow.

We don’t get snow often, but when we do the entire city freaks the freak out, and all the schools shut down. For children looking for any excuse to miss school, Dallas is clearly the better option.

10.  Just like Houston, only prettier.

I’ve got no actual evidence here, but in my opinion, Dallas just looks significantly better than Houston. The skyline is officially the best in the world. We also boast Reunion Tower, the Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge, and Klyde Warren Park. And if it wasn’t crystal clear from number 7 above, appearances matter here in the Big D.

In all seriousness, though, both cities are fantastic places to live. Add in laid-back Fort Worth, friendly San Antonio, and hipster Austin, and you’ve got a neat mix of diverse metropolitan areas that make clear why Texas claims the fastest-growing cities in the nation. #lonestarstate 

And, more importantly, I think we can all agree that anywhere in Texas is better than Oklahoma . . .

What do you think? Is Dallas really better than Houston?

Go check out Houston Moms Blog for Chelsea’s take on why Houston is better than Dallas!


And for a final laugh, don’t miss this snippet of The Real Housewives of Dallas {premiering April 11 on Bravo} discussing their thoughts on Houston, and make sure to follow along tonight as REAL moms join the fun at our Dallas Moms Blog’s Studio Movie Grill Real Housewives of Dallas Premiere Party! (#RHODMB)

[xyz-ihs snippet=”RHOD—Houston-Snippet”]


  1. You’re totally right on weather, traffic, and zoning!! But man, Mexican food in Houston totally wins in my book!! πŸ™‚

    • Yep. I moved here from Houston last year and I have to agree. Nothing up here matches the awesome hole-in-the-wall Mexican food that you can find on practically every street in the greater Houston area.
      I also kinda miss the heat and humidity, but I’m weird like that.

  2. We currently live in NW Houston transplanted from Dallas and I couldn’t agree more with this list. ESPECIALLY the “there’s zoning”. That was the craziest adjustment ever. Plus DIRK! ?

  3. Oh my…..no! I am Houston born and raised now living in Dallas and I will miss Houston Mexican food every day for the rest of my life! Dallas queso is CRAP! (With the exception of Torchy’s). North Texas Mexican food has honestly been one of the hardest things about living here, lol.

    I do agree with you on the zoning. The no zoning thing in Houstin is nuts. Zoning makes for a much nicer city.

    But man, I could hardly get past #1! Next time you are in Houston, please get yourself to Lupe Tortilla’s and get some beef fajitas!

    And I spent my twenties brunching in Houston. Seriously – too many amazing restaurants to count! πŸ™‚


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