Sex Trafficking in Dallas :: What You Can Do to Help


    sex traffickingSex trafficking has gained a lot of attention in recent months, especially on social media. And while it may be easy to dismiss it as an issue that only affects other countries or a certain demographic, the truth is that no one is immune to being trafficked: adults and minors are all exploited on a daily basis.

    Human trafficking is a multi-billion-dollar industry that preys on the vulnerable and defenseless. Traffickers use deception, coercion, abuse of power, and the threat or use of force to entrap their victims. It’s the fastest-growing criminal enterprise in the world. And sexual exploitation, especially that of minors and women, is the most common form of human trafficking.

    Sex trafficking is becoming an increasing problem in the United States. Texas is second in the nation for sex trafficking prevalence. In Dallas, it’s estimated that 400 teens are sold for sex each night.

    But you can be a part of ending sex trafficking in our state.

    Be Aware

    Human trafficking in any form is modern slavery. It’s happening across the globe and in our own cities and communities. Learning how this industry works is sobering and scary. But it’s also important to know that sex trafficking is happening here and now.

    Be Educated

    One of the key components of ending sex trafficking is knowing what sex trafficking is and how to recognize the signs. Children and teenagers are especially vulnerable, and parents should educate themselves.

    Take Action

    Another important part of ending sex trafficking is through supporting its victims. Dallas is home to many great organizations that are working to end human trafficking in our area. Whether it’s time, money, or some other form of support, you can be a part of helping victims and stopping sex trafficking once and for all.

    • Children at Risk’s Center to End the Trafficking & Exploitation of Children (CETEC) works to combat minor domestic sex trafficking through advocacy and research.
    • It’s Going to Be Ok! seeks to end human trafficking through awareness and providing hope and healing for those affected by sexual exploitation.
    • Jonathan’s Place provides safety and security for abused and neglected children, teens, and young adults. The organization cares for sex trafficking victims through its RESET (Restoring and Educating Survivors to Empowerment and Transformation) Emergency Shelter and/or placement into a RESET Long-Term Therapeutic Foster home.
    • Mosaic Family Services provides a safe haven for victims of human trafficking and other survivors of human rights abuses.
    • New Friends New Life uses education, job training, interim financial help, mental health support, and spiritual support to restore and empower the lives of formerly trafficked girls and sexually exploited women and children.
    • Resurrect Life, Inc. works to end human trafficking through education and collaboration.
    • Traffick911 seeks to free young people from sex trafficking through trust-based relationships.
    • Treasured Vessels Foundation is a clinically therapeutic aftercare program that provides housing and support for survivors of sex trafficking.

    Through awareness, education, and action, we can work together to end human trafficking in our communities.

    If you are being trafficked or suspect someone else is, call the National Trafficking Hotline at 1 (888) 373-7888, text “BeFree” to 233733, or call 911.


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