Resource for New Moms :: A Guide for Tongue Tie

**This post has been sponsored by myKIDSdds to bring you this experience.  All opinions are 100% our own**

There are just so many things a new mom has on her plate. Having a new baby isn’t enough; there are so many new worries that come with that sweet bundle of joy. One issue affecting breastfeeding, in particular, is tongue or lip tie. Tongue tie affects the baby’s ability to open their mouth widely, thus not attaching to the breast at a correct angle. Instead, the baby may only be able to nibble or suck directly on a small part which could be very painful and possibly cause damage. According to myKIDSdds, long-term effects could also be problematic as they grow older: speech and articulation, orthodontic issues, gum recession, painful brushing and flossing, and more.

As a new mom, having this come up with your new baby can be scary and hard to navigate. You can feel alone in your situation while you try to navigate a solution, but you aren’t alone! We are honored to partner with myKIDSdds again to highlight their Frenectomy process and hopefully put any new mom at ease whose child may be experiencing tongue or lip tie. Please also read about a former contributor’s experience with her infant daughter’s Frenectomy at myKIDSdds here.

What is a Frenectomy? Everyone has a small strand of tissue, called a frenum, that connects the tongue to the floor of the mouth and the lips to the gums. If the frenum is too tight, short, or thick, it can inhibit normal mouth function and development. The procedure to correct these issues is a Frenectomy. This procedure will release the ties and allow more movement and control of the mouth.

What are the types of Frenectomy procedures available? The traditional Frenectomy is done with scissors, or scalpel and stitches. myKIDSdds is unique in their approach in using the latest laser technology. There are advantages to the laser approach, especially for parents of young children: a quick in-office procedure with minimal bleeding, an unlikely need for sutures, and shortened healing time. Shortened healing time? With a kiddo? Yes, please!

What can you expect in your first appointment? Many pediatricians refer patients to myKIDSdds when the tongue tie is diagnosed and the laser treatment is desired. The first exam is done in an office setting, not an exam room, as to make patients and families feel as comfortable as possible while navigating a nerve-wracking situation. The doctors are personable and the entire office is reassuring all the way through. The initial diagnosis and exam can be very quick – several moms I spoke to said it was less than 2 minutes for the doctor to do the exam and confirm the tie issue. After that, the bulk of the first appointment was reviewing the procedure process and leaves plenty of room for questions – which is what a new mom needs more time spent on anyway!

What else makes myKIDSdds unique when working with new moms? myKIDSdds knows how crucial the first couple of weeks are when breastfeeding. They go out of their way to work around your schedule to get care as quickly as possible. They strive to offer relief as quickly as possible – IF NOT SAME DAY! When struggling with ANYTHING as a new mom, same day relief can be an emotional uptick that you really need. Immediately after the procedure is complete – 10 minutes in many cases – a new mom has the ability to breastfeed right away. What an incredible thing for a new mom – having a dental office take the time to help give her relief in feeding her baby. The Frenectomy is not the last step in their working relationship with new moms. They will take time to practice stretches for you and your baby’s bonding and spend time going through all post-op instructions.

Where can I go to find more information? myKIDSdds can be found online, but I urge you to read their reviews online. That was the real test for me. It was incredible reading through the comments of parents and their amazing experiences with their office. A tongue or lip tie issue can be an emotional and painful experience all around, but myKIDSdds offers not just a procedural fix, but they are there to let you feel relief, emotional support, and feel safe and assured that you and your baby can bond through breastfeeding as quickly as possible.



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