Reliving A Dream: Meeting Nick Jonas at the Quaker Chewy Superstar Search


Halle will be able to look back in her baby book some day and read about Tuesday, July 18, THE day that Nick Jonas squuezed her little arm and complimented her big blue eyes. At the point in her life, she may have to google him to see who he is but I’ll remember for sure!

You might be wondering why Lauren and I even had the opportunity to meet Nick Jonas. So, here’s the scoop. Quaker Chewy Superstar Search contacted us (DMB) and asked if we would help spread the word about their contest and the different locations to meet Nick and/or record a song in their Mobile Recording Studio. Since it was here in Dallas and figured some of you moms might have kids that would want to audition for their star search, we gladly agreed. So…last Tuesday, we gussied ourselves up, reminded ourselves of what he sang and headed up to Plano. We arrived, introduced ourselves as “Writers for Dallas Moms Blog” and were whisked to the sidelines where we watched Nick patiently and kindly shake hands with what seemed like hundreds of girls (and women- yes, I saw some with grey hair swooning like the rest!) Quaker chewy was equally kind and patient. And can you guess what we snacked on while we waited? Yep, good ol’ granola bars!

Luckily, our friend came and brought her girls which are appropriately aged to get giddy over a Jonas borther. The girls were able to wait with us for our granted few minutes with Nick and they could hardly believe how close we were to him! Lauren and I did the best we could keeping hungry babies happy, coming up with questions for our surprise interview and making sure we caught the moment with our cameras.

He was such a nice guy- very relaxed and sure of himself. When we asked him what sort of impression his parents made on him at a young age, he responded that they didn’t try to be his best friends. His parents were always open and honest with him and he appreciated the fact that he could talk to them about anything but he also recognized the importance of their boundaries and discipline. Although he lives in the DFW area now, he moved away from Dallas around the age of 3 so he doesn’t have many memories of his early childhood here. Now he splits his time between here and LA and said he enjoys playing golf when he’s here at home.


  1. Y’all have arrived! Congrats! What a cool opportunity! Those girls you brought with you look very happy! I will show these pics to my girls and I am sure Aunt Lauren’s stock value will go up even higher! Love you!

  2. Thanks for this blog. I don’t live in the state so I wasn’t one of those with gray hair in attendance. If he’d come to my area I would have gone though. Wouldn’t have been “giddy;” but he is a wonderful young man. Talented and a great role model for my children, adult to pre-teen, diabetic and not. The world could use more Nick’s. The world also could use more parents like Nick’s. Our children have plenty of friends, they need parents. His have done a great job.

    • Thanks Joan! Yes, he definitely seemed like a great guy and his parents sound like solid people as well. Wish you could have been there!

  3. you can not upload videos on the main website so we have all put our videos on youtube mine is under lacee quaker chewy super star


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