(Re) Opening Day! Activities to Celebrate the Return of Baseball


    There’s nothing like a visit to the ballpark, the crack of the bat, or chowing down on hot dogs while listening to Take Me Out to the Ballgame. Our family usually attends at least one Texas Rangers’ game every season. This year was going to be extra special due to the opening of the new Globe Life Park. We were looking forward to breaking in the state-of-the-art stadium. 

    However, like so many events scheduled for this spring, Major League Baseball’s Opening Day was canceled. As the saying goes, Baseball is as American as apple pie, and we have definitely missed it. Now after months watching ESPN Classic to get our baseball fix, we may finally see the start of the season. Teams and players finally reached an agreement, and a shortened 60 game season will start in late July. Unfortunately, no fans will be allowed for now.

    We may not be able to watch a game in person this year, but that’s not going to keep us from celebrating Opening Day. Here are just a few of the activities I have planned to celebrate the return of baseball.


    I loved buying baseball cards as a kid. I can still remember the thrill of opening the packet to see the new players I had acquired, and the stale pink stick of gum that accompanied the cards. This year, I plan to head to our local Walmart to let the kids choose their cards. Baseball cards are also available on Walmart’s website and on Amazon. I’m also going to add in trading cards from the US Women’s Olympic Softball team. 


    My girls are definitely athletic, but they are terrible at catch. I’m raising a soccer player and a dancer, so we’ve recently started playing catch together. They both have baseball gloves, and we have broken several bouts of boredom by throwing and catching a baseball in our backyard. We are still working on the art of throwing, and I make sure that we are far away from windows or anything else breakable. They have come to enjoy the simplicity of a game of catch.


    My husband played baseball in college, and he is obsessed with sports-themed movies. In preparation for Opening Day, we plan to revisit some classics such as The Natural, The Sandlot, and Field of Dreams. Movie nights have been a big hit at our house during the shutdown, and I’m sure these classics will be no different. 


    I’m always looking for crafts that keep little hands busy, and I found several cute baseball-themed projects.  Three-D Baseballs are easy and can be made with items readily available around the house. Another craft that we are going to try is baseball bracelets. My ten year old loves making jewelry for her friends, and I think she can handle this one with just a little help from me.


    This year, I’m taking Home Games to a whole new level. On Opening Day my living room will become a baseball stadium, complete with folding chairs, grilled hotdogs and fresh, overly salted popcorn. We are going to park ourselves in front of the tv, and do our best to imagine we are there in the stadium with the players. The kids are going to love it! And after the game, I’m going to see if I can convince the kids to let Dad autograph their shirts. 


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