The Power in Saying “No”



I am a pretty extroverted person and do love to be busy, but after my second daughter was born I felt like I was drowning in activities and realized I was “surviving” my weeks instead of enjoying them. The best days for me were days where we had no plans and stayed home or went out and did something spontaneous and those were few and far between.  Working from home was also super challenging when we were busy all day because it was hard to find time to finish everything during a 2 hour nap time!  When the school year started this past September, I made the decision to take the “semester” OFF and SAY NO to everything. 

  • No gymnastics or ballet
  • No play groups
  • No Bible Study
  • No “weekly” obligations

Sometimes you have to MAKE PLANS to have NO PLANS.

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I love being in control of my schedule versus my schedule controlling ME.  I am sure we will start sprinkling in activities as the years go on, but for me… This DETOX has been so good for my physical, emotional, and mental health.  I feel like we have a new rhythm as a family and I can now look forward to one-off play dates instead of enduring them!  I read a book a few months back that talked about re-evaluating your schedule every 6 months.  Which activities bring you LIFE and which activities DRAIN you?  Do more of what brings you LIFE and cut out all the rest! This doesn’t mean it will be cut out forever, but sometimes during certain seasons it is necessary to scale back.  I fully intend on joining a Bible Study and putting my girls in activities in the future but for this season in my life, simplicity wins.  Happy Mommy/ Wife = Happy Life! (Can I get an AMEN? ) 

Since we are starting a FRESH year, what would you like to cut out or add this year? 

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Abby Misegades
Abby is a wife to Logan and Mom to Stella (January 2013) and Chloé (March 2015). She was raised in Lake Highlands and moved back after college to pursue her Corporate Marketing career with two major retailers here in Dallas. All her goals and plans changed after a whirlwind weekend in California where she experienced love at first sight with a Frenchman. A year later they were married and moved overseas to embark on a 2 year fairytale living and working in France at a B&B in the French Countryside. After her daughter was born, they made the bittersweet decision to come back to Texas to plant roots. Now she spends her days juggling 2 little girls and running a couple of businesses part-time from home. She enjoys drinking French wine, spends way too much time picking the perfect Emojis for her text messages, refinishing furniture, and is a complete Netflix snob. You can follow her blog Bonjour, Y'all or find her on IG overgramming pics of her darling girls at @mrsfrenchy.


  1. Would love to know what book you read about re-evaluating your schedule and choosing the activities that bring life. Great post!


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