Playgroup Fun


We had our third Playgroup on Wednesday at a local Splashpad. It was so fun to meet some new moms, and watch our kids splash around while we baked in the sun. Everyone enjoyed sipping on some tasty juice provided by Cal-Tex Juice. Thanks Cal-Tex, the kiddos could not get enough of that apple-cherry goodness!

If you haven’t joined us for a playgroup yet, we hope to meet you at the next one. This is a great opportunity to meet some new moms and connect with other Dallas moms. Motherhood is so much richer when we go through this together! We have some exciting things in the works! Be sure to become a fan of our Facebook Page to get all the updates and details of upcoming playgroups. See you next time!

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Lauren is the co-founder of Dallas Moms Blog and is the Sister Site Coordinator for City Moms Blog Network. Lauren and her husband Cody live in East Dallas and have 2 young boys, Kyler and Hayes. When she's not getting lost in the world of social media, she can be found spending time at White Rock Lake with her boys, sneaking away for the not-so-occasional girls' night, taking on DIY projects that rarely get finished, and getting lost in a good book (or blog). Occasionally she enjoys pouring out her thoughts and words on her personal blog.



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