People Coming Together From Far Apart


    Times are hard right now. People are living in fear and uncertainty. Schedules have been thrown out the window. Lives have been rearranged. The world is a scary place. But with all of the fear and anxiety it has been amazing to me to see the goodness that has come from it too.

    People all over our country are coming together to help each other, especially to make social distancing and learning from home easier for families. It’s been incredible.

    Schools all over DFW are still offering free breakfast and lunch to their students. Teachers wasted no time reorganizing their carefully planned out lessons replacing them with online lessons to meet each student’s individual needs. My daughter’s kindergarten teacher personally called each family in our class to see if she could help in any way as well as to evaluate how her students were handling this unexpected change. The love from our school, and from what I can see, most schools, has been overwhelmingly beautiful. Coaches are posting YouTube workouts and art teachers are sending projects. Teachers and staff are still working hard to let these families know, they have our backs.

    Zoos, aquariums and museums are offering online tours for families to enjoy from the comfort of their own homes. In a time where our homes are our sanctuaries, our safe spaces, more than ever before, it’s nice to see each one still promoting learning and family time. Locally, the Dallas Zoo is offering a Bring the Zoo to You program online. Even globally, there are so many places to explore on our computers with our children. The Smithsonian is offering a virtual tour of their Natural History Museum as well as many other famous museums and historical landmarks worldwide.

    View our April guide to check out more of these amazing resources!

    If you are like me, one of your biggest fears is that your child’s education would take a huge hit with you in charge of their learning. Sure, the schools and teachers have been amazing, but each teacher has 19 other kids to worry about. If you’re wondering what you can do to boost their at-home curriculum, several educational resources are now offering free subscriptions and materials. Here are just a few to check out:

    Even celebrities and authors have come together to entertain families and kids. Both Josh Gadd and Dolly Parton are reading children’s books. Jennifer Garner and Amy Adam’s have also created a Charity, Save With Stories, entertaining children with bedtime stories read by celebrities while also raising money to feed underprivileged children. Children’s author Mo Willems is hosting a drawing series, Lunch Doodles. Even Joanna Gaines is posting a series, “Quarantine Cooking” on IGTV sharing beloved recipes from her popular cookbook.

    While the world is full of unpredictable scenarios right now, and everything seems so intense, these are just some silver linings among it all.  People are still coming together to help our families and kids, even from far apart.


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