Not Finding Out or Know Someone Who’s Not? This is for you!


There are two main reasons why I never even entertained the idea of not finding out the sex of any of our four babies ahead of time.  They are: yellow and green.

But, very recently I learned about a LOCAL company that has made “not finding out” a viable option for people who want to be surprised but still want their newborn girls in pink and boys in blue…just like me!

It’s called  And, ladies, it is simply amazing.

Here’s how it works. Basically, operates like any other baby registry but with a pretty brilliant twist.  They pair almost all of their inventory (ranging from super cute organic clothes to bath products, bedding, toys, you name it!) into complementary girl and boy versions.  So, you register for that super soft snuggly blanket you want and after your baby arrives and you confirm the gender with them, you receive it in either pink or blue!

How cute is this? Example of NFO's boy/girl pairings.

I did mention it was brilliant, didn’t I?

I know what you are thinking – doesn’t that make a baby shower pretty, well, dull?

No – because they’ve got that covered too!

When friends and family visit a registry and purchase an item, a beautifully wrapped “Preview Card” is mailed out.  The Mom-to-be knows what item was purchased and receives the “gift” before the baby is born.  Yes, she can still get those thank you cards done way before d-day.

But, what if you’ve got some “can’t keep a secret” types in your circles and you are concerned they’ll somehow figure it out? Not to worry – the Not Finding Out (NFO) registry and gift fulfillment process virtually guarantees that no one (including you) will find out the sex of your baby before he or she arrives.  The expectant mom gives a “Shhh” card to her healthcare provider to complete and the provider sends it directly to NFO.

Why have another "ducky" outfit when you could go ballerina or baseball? Love it.

Not Finding Out is an original business line from a fabulous store called Babytique that is located off of Forest and Inwood (right off the tollway). They also feature in-store classes, infant massage, and other special events.  Lauren wrote all about them a few months ago so you can read more here.

Though having another baby probably isn’t in the plan for me, if I was I would so be registering with them.  Make sure you check out and fan their facebook page here and be sure to follow them on Pinterest here.  Remember to share their info with all your expectant friends too — even those that aren’t in the Dallas area.  This is worth tweeting about.

Not Finding Out says their goal is to help preserve what was once the most magical line ever uttered by a doctor; either, “It’s a girl!” or “It’s a boy!” Now, how cool is that?


*Dallas Moms Blog has partnered with to bring you this information, but the views and opinions expressed are proudly ours.*


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Heather Creekmore
Originally an East Coast native, Heather Creekmore is a pastor’s wife living in Austin, Texas. Heather spent over a decade working in politics and marketing for non-profits before marriage and children. Now, through her own ministry, Heather speaks and writes to encourage Christian women who struggle with body image and comparison. Her first book titled, “Compared to Who?” (Leafwood, 2017) helps people find new freedom from comparison struggles. In her free time, Heather home schools four children, drives the soccer practice shuttle, makes (sometimes edible) freezer meals, competes on Netflix baking shows, and breaks grammar rules. Connect with Heather on Facebook or on her blog at: Compared to Who.


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