No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed!



Okay ladies…let’s be honest? How you do feel about your master bedroom? Is it a relaxing place that you retreat to at the end of a busy day of working and parenting? Is it a place where paper piles up, books get stacked high, and old furniture goes to die?

If you have a new baby in the house like me, chances are their supplies might be taking over. Do you crawl out of bed and step on a toy car or tea cup? Or you might even sleep on top of the goldfish crumbs that were left behind by someone cute, but oh so messy?

Sound too true? Letโ€™s just say that I didnโ€™t make these examples upโ€ฆand I think it is time for us to take back our master bedrooms! As Moms, we need a place that we can crawl into at the end of day, pat ourselves (and our husbands) on the back for a job well done, and get some good rest so that we can do it all again tomorrow!

Here are my quick, easy, and inexpesive tips for making your master a retreat:

  1. Declutter! If your room has been the catch-all for awhile, then this may seem like a daunting task. Just take it one step at a time, it will be so worth it. At least buy some cute storage containers like these to hide the clutter in!
  2. Turn the TV Off! Or better yet, donโ€™t have one in the bedroom at all. Research shows that having one in the bedroom can effect sleep.
  3. Freshen up the bedding. If you donโ€™t love your existing bedding, you donโ€™t have to start from scratch to breathe new life into your room. A new set of shams and a duvet cover can work wonders. Check out this lovely set from Ikea. ย I would layer in a newt set with your existing bedding. Fold your old comforter at the bottom of your bed over the new bedding and VOILA you have a fresh, clean look!
  4. Rearrange! Try a new room configuration on for size. If that wonโ€™t seem to work, do a furniture swap in your house. Maybe your nightstand becomes an end table and vice versa.
  5. You need mood lighting. Skip the bright overhead lights and go for a softer glow from a lamp (hit up Homegoods or TJ Maxx for this). You can also install dimmers on overhead lights as a little DIY project. Even betterโ€ฆcandles! Pick a scent that relaxes you and actually LIGHT it! Candles are not just for decoration!
  6. Assess the photo gallery. The master bedroom may not be the best place for a lot of pictures of the kids or in-laws. Stick to photos of you and your husband. We have some sweet maternity photos hanging in our room, and they create a nice sentiment without killing the mood.
  7. Other cheap update ideas: New curtain panels (think light and fresh), paint a piece of tired furniture or better yet the whole room. Add a house plant to breathe new life into the room. If you have a black thumb, like myself, treat yourself to some fresh flowers every once in a while.

Now, after you do these easy steps, go and grab a good read, a gossip magazine, or a nap and schedule some time to enjoy YOUR special space. Any other ideas? We would love to hear what you do to maintain sanity in your master bedroom.



  1. I just moved around my bedroom furniture a month or so ago. My husband protested at first, but he agrees it’s 100% better now. It never hurts to try a little change!


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