Mom Lesson: Growing Pains


After 4 years of dating and almost 8 years of marriage, I can finally say that Iโ€™m making progress in biting my tongue. I first noticed this when one day my husband was feeding our daughter and she was super messy (she gets messy when I feed her but this was SUPER messy, if you catch my drift) and I was pacing behind my husband biting my tongue- literally. I was dying to say โ€œif you would just….โ€ or โ€œtry not to…โ€ or โ€œshe doesnโ€™t like….โ€ I was laughing at myself, actually, because I was starting and stopping these sentences in my mind like every second. I wanted to say something, I was aching to โ€œhelp.โ€ Gabe noticed my torment and said I might be more “helpful” in the other room! Ha!

Well, that was one battle within myself that helped prepare me for the next one. Oh, this was a doozy; I could have laid into my husband like never before, which makes me even more proud of myself for refraining. I was on the computer in a different room and I could hear my husband open the freezer door. Then I heard him say. โ€œCrap.โ€ I didnโ€™t think too much of it but then I heard him take out the ice tray and and walk it to the sink to dump the water out. It took me a second, but then I realized- wait, water? in the freezer? so it was left open? so all my breast milk……? Yep- thawed. As I slowly became aware of what had happened, a lump in my throat started to grow.

Let me briefly explain, to some who may be unaware of the importance of stored-up breast milk. Halle had such a terrible time breastfeeding that I rarely give her bottles so she doesnโ€™t revert back to old habits. I do pump, however, so that my husband and I can go out once in awhile or I can leave her with my husband for a long period of time ๐Ÿ™‚ So…since youโ€™re not supposed to re-freeze thawed milk and since you are supposed to use it within 2 days that meant A LOT of bottles for Halle or A LOT of wasted milk.

My first instinct was to run in and yell and scream but I realized there was nothing that could be done. I also realized that he obviously didnโ€™t leave the freezer door open on purpose. So, I just stayed at the computer, blindly scrolling through page after page…biting my tongue.

The point of the story is not to rat out my husband to all my blog-reading friends, because he is a wonderful, wonderful man, but to pat myself on the back for NOT blowing up at him. So I guess while Iโ€™ve made progress in restraint, it appears I have a ways to go with bragging.

Since I was talking about maturing, I thought it would be fun to show an engagement picture of my ย husband and me compared to us now (but I’m already regretting this!)



  1. Way to go on biting your tongue! That’s hard one for me, too, and most moms I’m sure. I would DIIIIIIIIEEEE if all of my frozen breastmilk thawed! We are leaving for Mexico in a week and a half for 5 days and I’m pumping like crazy to leave as much as I can with my mom. That breastmilk is GOLD! ๐Ÿ™‚


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