Meet the Newest Faces of Dallas Moms Blog


    In January, we opened up Dallas Moms Blog to you in a search for some new bloggers to join our team! We received way more applications than we ever expected, and it took us hours to sort through and read all of your submissions. Although we’d only intended on taking 3, we narrowed down our choices to our top 4 and brought them onto the team!

    We hope you’ll be as excited as we are for some fresh and fun, new topics and faces!


    We sat down with these 4 lovely ladies and asked them some personal questions to help you get to know the newest contributors of Dallas Moms Blog a little better!


    Sally New DMB Contributor

    When did you become a mommy and how did it change your life?

    Russ was born 5/9/11 just shy of our 5th wedding anniversary. Jane should arrive sometime around 5/25/13.

    Before baby, I was a laid-back girl who was always up for anything. After having a baby, I was nervous about everything. I didn’t want to leave him with anyone, always worried about him, and was always on edge. I’m sure the fact that he didn’t sleep through the night until he was a year old had something to do with this! I am hoping with baby #2, I’ll be able to go with the flow a little easier. If not, I’ll at least try to fake it!

    What do you find is the most difficult thing about being a mom? . . . the most rewarding?

    The most difficult thing about being a mom is trying to keep your own identity. It’s so easy to live completely for the baby but it’s also important to do things for yourself every once in a while. Whether it’s meeting up with friends, going on a date with your husband, or reading a chic lit novel by yourself in bed, remember that it’s ok (and necessary) to turn “mom” off for a bit.

    The most rewarding part of being a mom is watching my child’s personality develop. I love that he is obsessed with cars, trains, balls and animals. It melts my heart when he goes nuts when my husband gets home from work. I love that he tries to make us laugh. I tear up almost every time he dances. You know what’s great too? Watching him interact with the people I love most- my husband, my family and my friends.

    What do you enjoy most about being a mom in the Dallas?

    I grew up here, so it’s fun to watch Russ experience things I did as a kid. His first restaurant was my first restaurant, he runs around the same parks I did, and soon enough, he too will be throwing himself against the “slide” in NorthPark.


    Bethany New DMB ContributorWhen did you become a mommy and how did it change your life? 

    Palmer was born in March 2011.  I think I underestimated how much my new family life would affect my work life.  I have always been a very driven career woman and thought I would want to work full-time after Palmer was born.  When he was born, everything shifted and I’ve found my personal perfect balance between working part-time (a little ME time) and staying home with Palmer (a little Mommy time).  It’s a daily struggle between the two, but I don’t think you fully understand the demands of raising a family until you are in the throes.

    What do you enjoy most about being a mom in the Dallas? 

    Dallas has kicked it up a notch in the last year with the additions of the Klyde Warren Park and the Perot Museum.  One of my family’s favorite things to do is to check out one of the art museums or the Perot Museum, play in the Klyde Warren Park and have a food truck picnic on the lawn, and then ride the Mckinney Avenue Trolley.  We feel so urban!

    What’s the one thing you do on a regular basis that’s just for you?

    As a mom, you know that the key to having alone time is…when everyone else is asleep.  I make it a habit to go to boot camp before everyone is up at 5:30am.  I return home invigorated and ready to start the day, whatever it may bring.  I also like to sneak off to check out thrift shops, flea markets, and antique stores for pieces to decorate my home during my work lunch breaks while Palmer is at preschool.


    photo(6)When did you become a mommy and how did it change your life? 

    I became a mom in March 2012 and I absolutely did not think I would enjoy it as much as I am! I did not think my life could be so fulfilled by a baby’s smile or rocking a baby to sleep. It is amazing to me how much love filled my heart for Parker, which then spilled out into finding ways to love people around me. I think being a mom has definitely made me more aware of injustice and suffering in the world around me. I think my heart just became more sensitive and therefore I notice more.

    What do you find is the most difficult thing about being a mom? . . . the most rewarding?

    The most difficult thing was definitely the lonely early days and suddenly unstructured life. I went from having a job that I loved to spending my days staring at a sleeping baby. I had lived my life for 27 years with structure and a schedule then suddenly one day that was all gone. My son was born at the beginning of the hot months in Texas, so I felt very isolated and alone for a while. The most rewarding part of being a mom is seeing my little man light up when I walk in to a room. It doesn’t matter if its been 24 hours or 24 seconds – he looks up with the most adorable smile and waves at me. Melt. my. heart.

    What do you enjoy most about being a mom in the Dallas?

    I love that there is so much to do close by! And the fact that there are so many other families in the area in the exact same stage of life, so it’s nice to have that community around me.


    Paris Day-015When did you become a mommy and how did it change your life? 

    I became a mommy in November 2011 after being on bed rest in the hospital for three weeks with preeclampsia and hyper tension. My son, Andrew, was born six weeks early in an emergency c-section. He spent the first three weeks of his life in the NICU. I think that those rocky beginnings really showed me what motherhood is all about — putting someone else, this little, helpless person, before yourself. Your priorities shift and your whole focus becomes what’s best for your child. Moms are super heroes.

    What do you enjoy most about being a mom in the Dallas?

    I really enjoy the wide range of opportunities available for families in Dallas. From visiting the Perot Museum, to the fun neighborhood playgrounds, to going to the zoo, or even just to the mall, there is always something to do to entertain a hyper toddler!

    What’s the one thing you do on a regular basis that’s just for you?

    I love to read! We take trips to the bookstore for fun. Andrew gets to pick out a book and I pick one out for me, too. Sometimes I stay up way too late reading because I get so immersed in the story, but it’s worth it!


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