Massage Envy and a GIVEAWAY


As the mom of a toddler I probably bend down to pick Miles up about, oh, one thousand times a day.  At least.  And I usually don’t lift with my knees.  Add to that the fact that this toddler sleeps with us and takes up about 75% of our bed with his head and/or feet usually on my chest – and you can probably begin to imagine the condition my back is in!

Plus, did you know how stressful being a mom was going to be?  If you go to work – there’s guilt.  But if you stay home with your child(ren) – there’s also guilt.  Personally, I’ve been non-stop worried about Miles’ lack of speech for the past 6 months straight.  And for me, all that stress goes straight to my shoulders and piles up there until the knots just about press me into the ground.

Or course, there are many options for stress relief.  The coveted Mom’s Night Out being one I’m currently looking forward to the most!  But another great stress (and back pain) relief is something I don’t get to indulge in all that often — an hour long deep tissue massage!  Just hearing those words sound decadent and elitist.  Currently, the pay for being a Stay At Home Mom isn’t the best… and don’t even get me started on the hours!  So when I got the opportunity to review Massage Envy I jumped for joy!  (Or at least I would have, had I not been carrying a toddler, my purse, and a diaper bag all at once.)

But when on earth would I find the time to go?  Miles isn’t in a MDO program so it would have to fit around my husbands work schedule.  And amazingly it did!  Their hours are pretty awesome actually.  I had my massage at the Prestonwood location in Addison (because it’s close to my husbands job) and they are open from 8 AM to 10 PM on week days, and until 8 PM on weekends.  SCORE!   The hardest job I had was picking which one to go to — there are more than a few options in the Metroplex that are convenient.

I had my massage done by Michele and she was awesome!!  It was the prefect mix between relaxing and working out the knots.  And Michele was so nice —  talking about her kids and putting me right at ease.

The room was warm, clean and oh-so comfortable!

The hour flew by far too quickly and I was already trying to figure out how I would convince my husband that I desperately needed to come back the next week.  But, as I said before – I’m currently not bringing in the biggest paycheck (or any paycheck).  Which is exactly why I was so intrigued by Massage Envy’s Membership deal.  It sounds kind of complicated, but to break it down —

  • Membership costs $59 per month, for 12 months.
  • Included in the membership is one massage per month.  But the cool thing is — if you don’t use your massage one month it can roll over.  For example, if you pay your $59 for June but can’t schedule a massage in June – you get two massages in July (of course if you pay the $59 for July).
  • If you want to schedule more massages in June, the first one is included in the membership but the rest of them are only $39!  Which is a 50% savings on the normal cost of $79 per massage!!
  • Your membership is good at any of the Massage Envy’s in the Metroplex.
  • If you encounter any type of hardship you have the option to “freeze” your membership for up to 6 months and they will not charge your account the $59.  You have the option to “freeze” as many times as you may need to.

The one and only small problem I had is the pressure they put on you to join the Membership on your first visit.  If you enroll right then they wave the $40 enrollment fee and give you a free month.  But they really push you to enroll immediately.  And personally I don’t work well under pressure so I shut down and refused the deal.  But if you know the up-sale is coming you can decide ahead of time without feeling pressured.  Because it really is a good deal… I’ll just have to pay the enrollment fee now!

The great news is, one lucky DMB reader will win a free massage at your favorite Massage Envy location in the DFW area. Giveaway ends Thursday, May 31 at midnight. Just comment below telling us why you need a massage. Please leave your email address, so we can contact the winner via email. *For an extra entry, post a link to this post on your Facebook and leave an extra comment here telling us you did so*


*Dallas Moms Blog has partnered with Massage Envy to bring you this information, but the views and opinions expressed are proudly ours.*


  1. Lots of unexpected car repair expenses. Would live to be able to wind down my little guy is 10 and has add, so we go, go, go.

  2. My job has been so stressful-would love a massage (can I win if I don’t live in Dallas but have a massage envy near me?)
    lilnursejen at yahoo dot com

  3. Oh how I NEED a massage!!! I have 3 young boys, 2 of which i stay at home with all day and if that isn’t enough I’m a part time personal trainer with lots of twisting, bending, and lifting.

    [email protected]


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