Making Our World a Little Smaller :: Meet the 9 New Faces of Dallas Moms Blog


Dallas Moms Blog is thrilled to introduce NINE new faces to the team! Each one is a warm,  inspiring, and authentic Dallas mama, and we can’t wait for you all to get to know them both online and in person at any of our upcoming events. We received an overwhelming amount of interest in these spots, and we are humbled and honored to have these women join our team! 


View More: Hallie!

Family Members Include (ages of children) :: Myself, husband Chase, daughters Molly (3 1/2) and Ellie (5 months), dog Paisley

Originally from :: My husband and I are both from Oklahoma City, OK

You currently live in what suburb? :: East Dallas – White Rock area

What’s your Go-To Restaurant with Kids :: Taco Joint! So so delicious. Breakfast, lunch and dinner.

During a Cowboys Game, We’ll Find You :: Hosting friends at our house complete with kiddos, drinks and yummy game day food. Lots and lots of loud cheering too!

What do you find is the most difficult thing about being a mom? . . . the most rewarding? Patience has been the most difficult thing for me. Having to remind myself to take a deep breath and relax and also remember that my kids are just kids. The most rewarding thing is watching them both explore the world and find such joy and happiness in the simple things. 

What do you enjoy most about being a mom in the Dallas? There is so much to do here, its awesome. We are always able to find a fun family activity, a sporting event, a new restaurant, an awesome park etc. We love adventures as a family and this city is perfect for it!

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Lee Cordon - FamilyMeet Lee!

Family Members Include (ages of children) :: My husband Justin, and three girls (8, 5, and 2)

Originally from :: Memphis, TN but Justin and I went to high school together in Little Rock

You currently live in what suburb? :: Park Cities

What’s your Go-To Restaurant with Kids :: Bandito’s

During a Cowboys Game, We’ll Find You :: At home with husband who will be cooking something great to eat during the game!

What do you find is the most difficult thing about being a mom? . . . the most rewarding? The hardest thing is not able being to “clock out” so to speak. From early in the morning to late into the night (and those sleepless nights when I lie in bed praying for them!) I am a mother to three curious and needy little girls. And I am always questioning whether or not I am doing a sufficient job! I know someday they won’t have so many needs. They will grow up and move out on their own. But as my grandmother and mother have always told me, the mothering (and worrying!) never really stops; it just changes appearances with time. 

But I guess that is the rewarding part, too: I will always be their mother. One day all this training, educating, disciplining, and encouraging will hopefully result into three grown daughters with whom I will have the sweetest, lifelong relationships. And that is one of the best gifts a mother could ask for! 

What do you enjoy most about being a mom in the Dallas? I have lived in some of the most beautiful places in the country, but I tell people all the time that Dallas is by far my favorite city because of the wonderful people that live here. I have made the dearest friends and being able to raise my children alongside so many great families is such a blessing. 

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Meet Abby!

Family Members Include (ages of children) :: Logan, Abby, Stella (2.5), Chloé (5 months) 

Originally from :: DALLAS (Lake Highlands….GO WILCATS!) 

You currently live in what suburb? :: Richardson 

What’s your Go-To Restaurant with Kids :: We LOVE Olivella’s in Lakewood on the patio.  Their DESSERT pizza is THE.BEST. 

During a Cowboys Game, We’ll Find You :: Ummm on Pinterest counting down the minutes until halftime. Am I fired? Haha! Although I’ve lived in Dallas almost my entire life, I am more of a college football fan than NFL! (Gig ‘Em Aggies!) 

What do you find is the most difficult thing about being a mom? . . . the most rewarding? I think the most difficult thing for me has been realizing that it continually changes.  You finally get into a groove or find something that works and 3 weeks later it doesn’t anymore and you have to regroup and try something different. I feel like all of us parents are on a complete “trial and error” system, not to mention what works for one kid might not work for the other! So we are just making it up as we go and loving our kids to pieces along the way and honestly isn’t that the most important thing? 

The most rewarding part for me is getting to experience new things through their eyes. Holidays are more magical for our family now because with kids, EVERYTHING is more exciting, vibrant, and fun! I LOVE seeing the world through a toddler’s eyes…. If only we could all live our lives that way!

What do you enjoy most about being a mom in Dallas?  I like that there is always a Starbucks and/ or Target within 5 minutes of where I am AT.ALL.TIMES.  I also love that there are so many different and fun things to do with your family – restaurants, parks, museums, and of course NORTHPARK MALL which is my favorite place to go on “walks” in the summer to beat the heat or on rainy/ cold days in the winter!

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Christmas 2014 (25 of 50)Meet Megan!

Family Members Include (ages of children) :: My husband, Daniel, and our spunky toddler, Elli (18 Months)

Originally from :: Illinois

You currently live in what suburb? :: Carrollton

What’s your Go-To Restaurant with Kids :: Chick-Fil-A and McAlister’s Deli

During a Cowboys Game, We’ll Find You :: Going back and forth between the kitchen and the couch. We usually have friends over and I love trying new appetizer and dessert recipes. I can never really get into the game until about the third quarter, but once I’m hooked nothing can distract me!

What do you find is the most difficult thing about being a mom? . . . the most rewarding? :: The most difficult thing about being a mom (especially in the early days) is the lack of sleep! The most rewarding thing is watching them learn and grow. When my daughter really connects with me emotionally (like cuddles or a hug, or even needing my comfort after she gets hurt or scared) my heart just bursts into a million pieces.

What do you enjoy most about being a mom in Dallas? :: My favorite thing is that there are always new adventure just waiting to be discovered. So many things happen throughout the Metroplex every week. You could try something different every weekend for a year and still not find everything there is to do in Dallas. There are so many opportunities – where else in the world could your family go see an off-broadway musical one weekend and a rodeo the next? Only in the Big D! 

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IMG_4869Meet Erin!

Family Members Include (ages of children) :: Hank, Erin, Ms. V. (5) and Ms. A. (1)

Originally from :: Lubbock, Texas

You currently live in what suburb? :: Lake Highlands

What’s your Go-To Restaurant with Kids :: Most times we’re still rocking delivery and pick up.

During a Cowboys Game, We’ll Find You :: Watching the Denver Broncos…blame my husband!

What do you find is the most difficult thing about being a mom? . . . the most rewarding? 
Never enough time to do everything I’d like.
Hearing those sweet I love yous.

What do you enjoy most about being a mom in the Dallas? 
Rewarding adventures are possible every single day.

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View More: Ryan!

Family Members Include (ages of children) :: Micah, Ryan, and Grace (2) (plus fur-babies Lilly and Rambo)

Originally from :: Josephine, Texas

You currently live in what suburb? :: Sunnyvale

What’s your Go-To Restaurant with Kids :: Breadwinners! The food is always fantastic, and I love the complimentary bread plate and kid menus disguised as books.

During a Cowboys Game, We’ll Find You :: wherever the game-day snacks are. Bring me all the buffalo chicken dip.

What do you find is the most difficult thing about being a mom? . . . the most rewarding? I think the most difficult part of being a mom is carrying the overwhelming responsibility that comes with raising a tiny human.It can be such a weighty thing to know that I’m responsible for keeping my daughter alive and (mostly) non-dysfunctional. The most rewarding thing has just beenknowing her. I love watching her little personality unfold and dreaming about the person she will become. 

What do you enjoy most about being a mom in the Dallas? My favorite part about being a Dallas mom is learning from other Dallas moms. This city is a fantastic place to raise children and has so much to offer to mothers who want to entertain, educate (and wear out!) their little ones. I love learning tips and tricks from those that have traveled this path before me and lived to tell the tale, and I’ve found the mothers in the Dallas area to be quick to support and encourage without judgment.

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Family 2014Meet Rachel!

Family Members Include (ages of children) :: Tim, Rachel, Lowell (6) Ansel (4) Rosen (4). 

Originally from :: Lived in 8 states and more cities, but “grew up” in Texas, luckily

You currently live in what suburb? :: Richardson (I confess to thinking “ew” about Richardson when I was young, but now I lovelove Richardson).

What’s your Go-To Restaurant with Kids :: Chicken Scratch, Central Market in Plano (playground!), Spork, Breadwinners Northpark 

During a Cowboys Game, We’ll Find You :: At home with friends, chasing kids, game on but not paying attention 

What do you find is the most difficult thing about being a mom? . . . the most rewarding? I could write a book about this question! So many things that weigh heavy on me as a mama, and even more things that could make my heart explode with pride because being a mother is so rewarding. Cliff’s notes: consistently shepherding my kids instead of parenting out of my own convenience/self interest is both the most difficult and the most rewarding. 

What do you enjoy most about being a mom in the Dallas? I love how our access to big-city-things (Perot, DMA, Klyde Warren, etc.) doesn’t mean we give up the smaller-town feel of people noticing each other and willing to help each other. Like the time a sympathetic shopper loaded my groceries for me because he knew that shopping with 2 toddlers and an infant can make a grown woman cry on the best of days. (Thank you, sir!) I have lived a lot of places, and that is rare!

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photoMeet Katherine!

Family Members Include (ages of children) :: Me and Pierce-age 3 (and a half!), +Ti our 10 year old yellow lab

Originally from :: Dallas

You currently live in what suburb? :: Plano

What’s your Go-To Restaurant with Kids :: Mi Cocina

During a Cowboys Game, We’ll Find You :: Definitely watching…but flipping between games.  Unless the Packers are on; then I am watching the Packers. 

What do you find is the most difficult thing about being a mom? . . . the most rewarding? Maintaining balance and perspective; likely what a lot of moms struggle with.  I often have to pause and remember to say “yes”, that time is flying and that my son is only three. As evidence of “toddler” vanishes it’s too easy for me to have too high of expectations and assume he can keep up. I am constantly amazed at my son’s heart.  He asks me about my day at work every day, he opens doors for ladies, and he will put his hand on my shoulder and say “How are you doing Momma, how’s your heart feeling?” Witnessing his kindness and his courage is the greatest feeling I know.

What do you enjoy most about being a mom in the Dallas? That’s easy; my village.  We have so many friends and family nearby that love us, support us and do so much for both of us. 

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IMG_3688Meet Lisbeth!

Family Members Include (ages of children) :: Kevin, Lisbeth & Levi (5 mo)

Originally from :: Tyler, Texas

You currently live in what suburb? :: McKinney

What’s your Go-To Restaurant with Kids :: Chick-fil-a  (Is it sad I am considering this a restaurant?)

During a Cowboys Game, We’ll Find You :: If I am lucky, on the 50 yard line, with a cold refreshment in hand, cheering on my ‘boys! 

What do you find is the most difficult thing about being a mom? . . . the most rewarding? Most Difficult – Trusting your instincts as a new mother and learning to make the decisions that are best for your baby amidst the opinions of well meaning family, friends, and doctors.  Rewarding – Gazing into the adoring eyes of your baby and realizing the weight of the big love you feel for someone so little. 

What do you enjoy most about being a mom in the Dallas? I am drawn to the juxtaposition of the small town, historic squares and the offer of metropolitan museums and eateries, all a short drive from my suburban door step.   


Are you a local mom with something to say? A funny story to share, a local business* to rave about? We welcome submissions for guest posts!

{Note: We do NOT accept “guest post” marketing pitches from copywriters looking to exchange content for links, from writers affiliated with other sites or businesses, or from non-DFW-area writers. Due to a large increase in these kind of guest post pitches, we are unable to respond to your pitch unless you follow the guidelines below exactly.}

To be considered for a guest post, send an email to Krystal(at)dallasmomsblog(dot)org with the following information:

  • Your name, kids’ ages, area in DFW where you live
  • Your post idea summarized in 2-3 sentences
  • At least two (2) writing samples – links to your personal blog count, but please link to specific posts (those that show off your writing chops) rather than the home page
  • OR, you may submit a complete, original blog post (writing samples not required if submitting a completed piece). You can request our Guest Post Guidelines for further assistance. Please follow the guidelines carefully if submitting a completed piece; it will increase your chances of getting published.

We will respond to all pitches that follow the above guidelines within two weeks. Pitches that do not follow the above or that do not align with our blog’s brand and content philosophy will not get a response.

* If you are a local business owner and want to reach our audience, we’d love to talk to you about advertising options. We ask that guest bloggers refrain from writing about businesses with which they have a financial affiliation.

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Krystal Hurst
Krystal is a Dallas-native who began her career as a fourth grade teacher in Richardson RISD, but quickly changed paths to became a stay-at-home mom in 2011. Through a happy coincidence, she stumbled upon (what was then known as) Dallas Moms Blog in 2012 and found a community she’d been looking for since coming a mom. Shortly after joining the team, she gratefully accepted the “baton” passed to her as new owner of the site, and took off with it running full speed! Krystal not only helped to grow Dallas Moms into a large parenting resource, but also launched Collin County Moms in 2016; providing those in the north Dallas suburbs their community resource platform. While building a community, uniting the moms, and growing a business around this passion was a dream come true, after almost 10 years, Krystal officially stepped down as owner, and is now focusing on raising her 4 boys with her husband, Tim, and rediscovering old hobbies.


  1. Welcome moms! I would love to see moms from the Cedar Hill and Desoto areas. We have a lot of nice places to see, play and eat, but I never read about them anywhere.

    • We would have loved to have seen that too, but unfortunately no one applied! We’ve closed our contributor applications, but are always accepting guest posts! Please feel free to have anyone interested in writing contact us!


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