Magic Hour :: 5 Morning Rituals for Moms at 5:00 a.m.

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Green alarm clocks set to 5:00 and after on a pink background.From an early age, my parents instilled in me the secret to a great morning is preparation the night before. They also embraced the adage, “early to bed, early to rise.”

This still rings true, but often takes a pivot when juggling life in the throes of parenthood. Thankfully, when you establish anchors in a few daily rituals, you can set yourself up for an easier morning, even when your days run long and your nights run short.

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Magic Hour

A successful morning begins with you feeling your best. This is particularly important when you play the role of team leader in your family. Research shows that most highly successful people have a consistent morning ritual. Since I aspire to be among the highly successful, I try to wake up during what I call “Magic Hour” — 60 – 90 minutes before the hubby and kiddos wake up. I take this time to to partake in my morning ritual, taking advantage of the peace and clarity offered by a still-slumbering house.

If you are new to the before-sunrise camp, you may notice you have to go to bed a little earlier to experience the magic hour. Once your internal clock adjusts, you may be able to get away with a later bedtime. Just be aware that our bodies do, ideally, require seven to nine hours of sleep to “promote optimal health, productivity and daytime alertness,” per the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

Truth be told, many mornings involve snagging just five minutes of me-time to enjoy a mug of coffee as I rub the sleep from my eyes, but here is a peek into my ideal morning ritual and timeline.

5 a.m. :: Wake Up and Tongue Cleanse

Do NOT hit Snooze. Just don’t. Tongue cleanse instead.

You know how when you wake up, your tongue is sometimes coated in unidentifiable fuzzies? That’s your body detoxing. I use my tongue scraper to quickly and gently remove the biofilm before I begin my day. No need to recycle what the body’s trying to remove, right? This should take five minutes.

5:05 a.m. :: Meditate

Enjoy the quiet and stillness, and breathe.

I practice transcendental meditation, which is a 20-minute meditation twice a day. Alternatively, there are morning meditations on the Calm app and Spotify. I find a spot on my couch, sit cross-legged, blanket myself in a snuggly throw, and hit go.

Woman meditates on the couch during her morning ritual.

5:30 a.m. :: Move and Bathe

Morning is the perfect time to sweat! Because I’m already starved for hours in the day, early morning is my best opportunity to just get it done and boost my energy. Movement may be as minimal as five minutes of stretching and waking up the body. It’s whatever works for you.

I have been most successful with a fitness program called Eager to Motivate (e2m) that incorporates nutrition, mindset, exercise, and accountability from the comfort of my home. I also love the workouts on the Peloton app and predawn walks in the neighborhood with other mom friends — a year-round luxury here in Dallas! When I can, I’ll pop into a yoga class at my local yoga studios, Y.A.M. and Haven.

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If you don’t have time to shower post-workout, fill a fine mist spray bottle with water and 30-40 drops of a high-quality tea tree oil, and spritz liberally on any areas that have collected sweat. Fan or towel off to dry, and go on about your day. While there is an endless trove of essential oils on the market, I believe it’s important to stick with a high-quality oil from a trusted source. I personally love Young Living for my oils, but several other great brands are available.

6:15 a.m. :: Hydrate, Coffee, and Gratitude

To hydrate and jumpstart my metabolism, I drink a cup of cool water with lemon and half a teaspoon of Celtic salt, or a hot mug of water with lemon juice, depending on the weather.

Most days, I’ll pop a pod into my Nespresso as I drink my water, so that my coffee has cooled enough to drink by the time I’m ready for it. On weekends, I’ll take extra time to make coffee in my Chemex — another ritual unto itself.

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While I enjoy my water and coffee, I take a moment to put my blessings on paper — gratitude and victories, small and big.  Using a good notebook and pen inspires consistency in a way my digital apps do not. My go-to notebooks for journaling are these slim Moleskines, paired with these classic hybrid pens.

I also jot down and review my priorities for the day. After “messing up” multiple pricey bullet journals and declaring them dead to me — IYKYK —  I finally found (and love!) this hybrid planner for planning.

6:30 a.m. :: Moisturize and Brush

Gua Sha is an ancient Chinese practice involving gently scraping the skin with a specially shaped stone to stimulate blood flow, promote lymphatic drainage, stimulate collagen production, and more. I love to massage a few drops of PurO3 beauty oil, containing activated oxygen, and Progessence Plus into my face and neck, but you can find any face oil you love that works with your skin.

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To ensure my smile is bright and breath is fresh, I take two minutes to brush my teeth and finish with a minute mouth rinse. My favorite products: Sonicare Diamond Clean toothbrush, Boka’s Coconut Ginger Toothpaste (I love its Ela Mint in the evening), and Risewell’s Balancing Mouthwash (kind to your oral microbiome, while still maintaining an alkaline pH and freshening your breath).

Pink flowers, rose quartz face roller, and a rose gua sha massager sit on a pink background.

6:37 a.m. :: Savor the Calm

Let the day begin!

As with any new ritual or routine, it will take daily practice to see it through. Here are some keys to success for starting a new routine:

  • Be consistent :: Eliminate thinking and decision-making to improve efficiency.
  • Keep it simple :: Simplicity makes it easier to implement and maintain.
  • Make it fun :: If you look forward to it, it isn’t a chore.
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Preeya Genz
Preeya is an alumna of Plano East Senior High School, Tulane University (Roll Wave!), and Texas A&M Baylor College of Dentistry. When she isn’t playing tooth sleuth and sculptor, she’s pursuing adventures with her daughter, son, and husband, tending to her garden (sunshine + food + love = growth for plants and family both!), or dumping all the pickled onions and cotija cheese she can find on some tacos. She is a creative at heart, with a love for clever wordplay and puzzles. She’s always looking for ways to turn things upside down and inside out to restore natural rhythm, beauty, and harmony. She owns her own dental practice, The Whole Tooth, and has been perfecting smiles and helping people protect, rebuild, and rejuvenate their oral health for more than 15 years. She is passionate about treating the whole person inside and out, connecting the dots between mind, body, soul, and smile. Preeya loves live music, conversations, and connection with fellow humans, practicing yoga and meditation, and decorating pysanky. She always has at least two books going at once, and is perpetually pursuing new knowledge, experiences, and skills, within and beyond the dental realm.


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