The Kids’ Playlist :: Parent-Friendly Songs


Kids' playlistLast month I wrote a post on great books about strong girls/women that my family loves to read together. Our family also loves listening to music together, keeping it on in the background. Below is my music playlist of kids’ songs that won’t hurt parents’ ears. Add them to your playlist, because we can only tolerate We Sing Silly Songs for so long.

  1. Christy Nockles whole “Lullabies for the Beloved” album  – even my older kids can fall asleep in the car when this one plays. I love singing her prayers over my children. They are beautiful, deep, and metaphorical. They have great rhythm, melodies, and drumlines. Her voice does not hurt my ears, and I can listen to this album from start to finish. If you only add one artist to your playlist, make it Christy. Love. 
  2. They Might be Giants – Here Come the 1,2,3s. 
  3. The Beatles/The Beach Boys – combined, these two represent the “oldies” category where language is generally non-offensive, melodies are easy and songs are catchy. There are many more in this category, but dig up those golden oldies for your kids’ playlist whenever they ask for Raffi and you just can’t take it. (Sorry, Raffi. They love you so much, but you hurt my ears.)
  4. Dan Zanes & Friends – Love Night Owl. Skip All Around the Kitchen. 
  5. The Johnny Cash Children’s Album – I can’t be the only one with this on repeat!?
  6. Neil Sedaka – Waking Up is Hard to Do – this one is hilarious and pleasant and helpful (!?!). Because waking up IS hard to do! His adult songs are great too, but the ones for kids are just so…not annoying. 

It’s a low bar here for kids music, as to make my playlist you have to be:

a.) generally not annoying, and…

b.) actually, no, that’s it. Just not annoying.

Surely we can expand on this playlist, considering the qualifications are so low. Let me know if you have anything to add! I will update the post when you share your own song choices!

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Rachel Summey
Rachel has been a mother for nearly a decade!. When she has all 3 of her kids at the grocery store she is inevitably told that she has her hands full (she does). Her heart is full too, from: exploring foreign cities with Tim (married in '05), adventurous eating with Lowell (10yo), living room dance parties with Ansel (8yo) and taking orders from her adorable drill sergeant, Rosen (6yo). When loss disrupted her life in her early 20's, Rachel gained a new perspective. Her experience means she has more candor than tact, she tells her kids the truth about life and death, she has a passion for people with broken hearts. Her life experiences have also motivated her to help launch a new ministry at her church for grieving kids to find support after death of a loved one.


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