As parents, we start hearing about bedtime routines the moment our child arrives. I’m here to tell you that they are important!
It is not just a “fluff” word in parenting. Bedtime routines are cueing systems to the brain and body that sleep is coming.
To encourage that, it is important that the steps in your bedtime routine happen in the exact same order every night, so your child comes to predict what comes next and knows that at the end of that routine they will be placed in their crib or their bed and expected to sleep.
{Read More: 4 Ways to Create More Connection in Your Bedtime Routines and Rituals}
Length is also important. If routines are too short, your child’s brain and body don’t have time to transition and prepare for sleep. And, if they are too long, the steps will get muddled and drawn out and your child won’t be able to keep up. The ideal length of time is around 30 minutes, and no more than 45.
Here are recommended bedtime routines for your child based on age. Screenshot these and save them for later!