Healthy Snacks for Busy Toddlers {Snack List Included}


“I want cereal!”

“No, not that cereal!”

“I want milk!”

“I want to pour it myself!”

“I don’t want cereal! I want toast!”

Repeat. Daily.

Moms everywhere laugh and empathize when friends talk about the struggles of feeding a toddler. It’s as if overnight, our sweet, food-loving baby becomes an opinionated toddler. Yesterday they loved oranges; today they hate oranges. The daily ups-and-downs of feeding a toddler can make a mom, well, a little stressed.

Summer camps, vacations, local outings, and just being home more means more snacks from the kitchen. For many of us, the balance of healthy eating and quick, easy options is a struggle.

toddler hand grabbing strawberries, healthy snacks for toddlers

The Stressor

Snacking is one of the biggest pain points for moms of toddlers. Snacks aren’t an extra meal, and they aren’t dessert, so what are they?

Ideally, snacks are an opportunity to get extra energy (calories) and nutrition (nutrients). Snacks can help toddlers with smaller appetites and attention spans meet their daily nutritional needs. Snacks also refuel toddlers so they can stay the energetic, playful cuties we love. While we can’t prevent every hangry meltdown, snacks put moms on the offensive—winning!

The snack food industry does a great job of marketing foods that seem healthy and “kid friendly.” But many foods fall short of the balance kids needs at snacks, both for health and energy. So, what are the best snacks for toddlers?

The Equation

There’s a simple equation every mom can use for toddler snacking!

Toddler Snack = 1 Carbohydrate + 1 Protein/Fat

Seems pretty easy, right? But what does this look like in real life? Let’s break down the equation before we add it all up.

Carbohydrates = energy. Toddlers need a lot of energy to keep their busy bodies moving and growing. Carbohydrates (“carbs”) include fruits, grains, starches, some dairy and vegetables. That’s a lot of options for the biggest part of the equation.

Protein = building blocks. Toddlers don’t need as much protein as we think, so the role of protein at snacks is to balance blood sugar, i.e., we want energy that lasts!

Fat = growth and development. Healthy fats are important for brain development. Fats also help energy last by balancing blood sugar.

Simply put, carbs (energy) plus a protein or fat equals lasting energy and a full tummy. Mom goals!

Healthy Snacks for Busy Toddlers

Here’s a list of quick, healthy snacks from a fellow toddler mom and Registered Dietitian (RD).

  • Whole milk yogurt + fruit or “crunchies” (granola)
  • Banana + almond butter
  • Turkey and cheese roll-up + blueberries
  • Ezekiel bread toast + chia seed jam
  • Skout Kids bars
  • Sliced cheese + crackers + strawberries
  • Carrots + ranch dip
  • Mini bagel + cream cheese
  • Cereal + milk
  • Pear + milk
  • Toast + peanut butter
  • Happy Tots Super Foods snack bar (sunflower butter flavor)
  • Nakd snack bars
  • Sliced apples + yogurt dip (whole milk yogurt + honey + cinnamon)
  • Mini bean + cheese quesadilla

As you can see, these snacks are simple and quick. Many are diaper bag and travel friendly.

Note: If you’re a mom who worries about choosing the healthiest cereal or yogurt, don’t stress! There are many options for toddler snack foods, and there’s no 100% right or wrong choice, it’s all about balance. In an upcoming article I’ll dive into what to look for when grocery shopping for toddlers.

Tips from a Registered Dietitian

The tip: include a fruit or vegetable at snack time [at least] once per day.

This isn’t a rule, simply an opportunity for toddlers to see a variety of foods, and hopefully try something new. This is especially helpful for toddlers who don’t eat many vegetables because it’s a low stakes situation (not the main meal). Offering a dip also provides an activity, which toddlers can’t resist.

This tip is also helpful for fruit lovers. If your toddler prefers fruit at meals, change your strategy and offer fruit as snacks. You can stress less at meals knowing there’s less competition on the plate, and your toddler still gets the fruit they love.

The Goal

My goal for you today is to start pairing foods for a more balanced snack. Try the simple equation I gave you to build an energizing toddler snack, so you can enjoy your sweet little and not worry about snacks.

Read More: 5 Things You Can Remove from Your Diaper Bag Right Now

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Jennifer Fiske
Jennifer ("Jenn") Fiske grew up in San Antonio as the only-child from a military family. She's lived in DFW for 10 years with her husband, and their family has grown to include their toddler son and a sweet puppy. Jenn is a registered dietitian nutritionist with a master's in exercise and sports nutrition. She worked with FC Dallas for several seasons while also coaching gymnastics at WOGA Frisco. She's also worked with Medical City Healthcare, DFW Airport, and Frisco ISD. Jenn is a self-proclaimed bookworm who bakes when she's stressed. Jenn loves being active through strength training and yoga and exploring parks with her son. When it comes to family feeding and nutrition, Jenn believes keeping things simple and lighthearted paves the way for enjoyable family meals.


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