GIVEAWAY: Legacy Photo Impressions Photo Session


Oh boy, do we have a giveaway for you?! Legacy Photo Impressions is giving away one FREE mini-session (1 hour) with a few of the professionally edited high-resolution photos on a CD to one lucky DMB Reader. First, let me tell you a little about her…

When we met up with Christina of Legacy Photo Impressions (who was promptly on time unlike me-oops), this girl came prepared and ready! Once we drug ourselves away from chit-chatting with each other, she started snapping a few photos of us with our cuties…

What I loved most about her was how natural and mommy-like she was with the photo-taking. She knows babies get fussy, don’t have long attention spans, and sometimes there is only a few split-seconds to capture the one smile that your kiddo lets slip out. She doesn’t make you do a ton of awkward poses and forced smiles, she snaps pics of your family being a family.

Legacy Photo Impressions PhotographyWhen Christina showed up with a stroller, I was excited to meet her little munchkins. Much to my surprise, her stroller was stuffed to the brim with props and toys. And I’m talkin’ cute, creative props, and toys that were both entertaining for the kids and cute in the photos. She thought of everything!

She was a joy to work with and really did a fabulous job with the photos. She even got them to us FAST! I was impressed. I just love the way she captured the sweet and adorable nature of our precious children.

Now that I have you drooling over her photography, let me dish the easy-peasy details on how to win! There are even ways to INCREASE your chances at winning!


1. Leave a comment below to enter to win this Giveaway!

2. To increase your chance at winning: Leave a separate comment for each method of entry listed below (leave a comment telling us you “liked” her Facebook page, leave another comment telling us you commented on her blog, etc.).

  • Go to Legacy Photo Impressions Facebook Fan Page and “like” the page.
  • Leave a comment on her blog.
  • Link to this post from YOUR Facebook

Giveaway ends this THURSDAY, June 2 at midnight! Winner will be chosen at random and announced Friday after the winner accepts. Good luck!

Are you in desperate need of some FABULOUS photos and can’t wait to see if you won the free photo session? Head over to Legacy Photo Impressions and schedule your family, newborn, or maternity photo session TODAY! You won’t regret it!


  1. love photography. love babies. love it when photographers take pictures of my baby! would love to win this!!!

    • Awesome Stephanie! If you could actually leave a seperate comment for linking to it, that way when we count up the comments, you actually have 3, so the drawing is more likely to draw one of your comments. Good luck!


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