**This post has been sponsored by Alexandra Geczi PLLC. All opinions are 100% our own.**
It never fails. You think you know everything you NEED to know until you’re put in a situation to fight. That is the absolute worst time to realize that you actually are at a loss for answers. Here is the deal ladies, when you are going through a divorce or a custody battle, there is no such thing as black and white. Every situation is a grey area and no two stories are the same. The person you’ve dealt with for such a long time becomes a stranger during a divorce or custody battle. It is difficult, painful and quite a long process. It isn’t easy and you absolutely need a professional guiding you. Thank goodness for the good people who practice family law with Alexandra Geczi PLLC | Divorce & Family Law.
when you are going through a divorce or a custody battle, there is no such thing as black and white.
Seeking answers
I know we all want immediate, definitive answers the minute we make contact with a law office because we are human and may be desperate for help. It is not realistic, nor is it fair to have such an expectation. The receptionist cannot answer your questions in 5 minutes or less. Legally, a law office cannot strategize with you until they have been hired to do so. Sure, you can go in for a free 15-20 minute consultation and get a smidge of generic information. Or you can pay for their time and get a good hour or so of solid information that pertains to your case directly. The more time and money you invest in the law firm, the more they can invest in your case. Consults can help with different avenues that you may have not even considered.
Dallas Moms has the opportunity to partner up with Alexandra Geczi PLLC | Divorce & Family Law to help bring awareness to women who are going through this difficult season of their life. The mission for Alexandra Geczi is to educate women on their options and to provide an environment where women can learn about the different routes that can be taken. There is never just ONE answer to a problem like so many of us would assume. We often shoot ourselves in the foot with this type of thinking. Lawyers are trained to think outside of the box and the come up with the best solution for their clients.
Alexandra and her award-winning team have developed a divorce planning workshop…just for women! Ladies, you do not have to feel ashamed, embarrassed or lost during a difficult time. This workshop was created just for you. The firm is committed to empowering women to live their best lives. If you or someone you know is facing a divorce, this workshop is exactly what you need. It provides the opportunity to ask questions, get checklists and access an amazing legal team in a safe space.
A Divorce Workshop for Women
This workshop is for women in any situation:
- Stay at Home Moms and Homemakers – Are you struggling with the idea of getting a divorce? Are you worried about how you will secure a solid financial future? Do you co-parent with a toxic ex? Are you trying to keep your sanity with the least amount of drama? Will you have to work and give up time with your children?
- Breadwinner Wives and Working Women – Are you hesitant to pull the trigger because you’re worried about being taken to the cleaners? Are you worried about being a single mother and juggling a career?
- Empty Nesters – Your children are out of the house and you know it is time for you to move on. You want to enjoy these best years of your life but you worry about financial stability and retirement. How will you pay for the things that will bring you joy? Will you have to join the workforce? If so for how long?
If any of these describe you, then you must register for this workshop! Get Your Ducks In A Row in a safe place that is dedicated to educating and empowering women. Learn about your financial options, take home checklists to brainstorm and build a realistic strategy. Take your first step toward freedom and your future now. Register here.
Keep in mind ladies, you may think you know how your situation is going to play out, but an attorney can always provide you with another option. Let Alexandra and her team help you with your complicated puzzle. Attend this workshop and get all the information you possibly can to work out your strategy in the safest, smartest way possible. Family Law is a branch of law that is incredibly intimate and takes time to get to know cases. After all, it is dealing with the most sacred things in your life! Be patient and trust that Alexandra and her team have your back!