
Being a parent is a huge privilege and a demanding role, all tied up in one. The category of Parenting features articles to encourage and equip parents in every season and from every walk of life –from mom of teens and toddlers to working and stay-at-home moms — as well as tips, hacks, inspiration, and resources in Dallas that every parent needs to know about.

Dallas Moms publishes original, personal stories and advice from local moms, as well as relevant and fun information for those of us in the trenches of parenthood.

Every article published via Dallas Moms — whether someone from our in-house team, a guest writer, or a sponsored writer — uses their words to reflect their own opinions, experiences, and beliefs. No singular post or collection of posts represents the opinions, beliefs, or agenda of Dallas Moms.

I have a secret.  And what better place to share a secret than a blog that many women read, especially many women I know or who are married to people I know.  I am an idiot for saying it...
Halle took her first plane ride the other day. Luckily, my husband was traveling with us and it was a fairly short flight. Leading up to this excursion, I kept worrying about all the "What ifs..." What if she...
For those who don’t know me, allow me to introduce myself. I am the Closer. For those of you who are unfamiliar with baseball or more likely just don’t carry the XY chromosome match, let me define “the Closer.” ...
There are a lot of articles out there about staying home vs. working and do working moms really bring home money, etc. I thought it would be good to share from my perspective some tips to keep...
About a year ago, I was being wheeled into an operating room after hours and hours of trying to push out a very stubborn baby. I'm not surprised he put up such a fight to be born. It was...
Having a son has changed me in ways I never saw coming. There's the obvious things about more responsibility, less sleep, more joy, less time. But there's even little things that I notice about the world that didn't even...
Gone are the days of marveling at a horizontal laying baby and just waiting for him to make a coo. Gone are the days of carrying around a snuggely baby from room to room as I do my chores....

Working Mom Woes

Our next playgroup is Wednesday, June 22nd at Ridgewood Park! Event details on our Facebook Event or email [email protected] for more info. Be sure to become a fan of our Facebook page to get ALL updates on DMB events...
I like to think that I'm not a complete idiot when it comes to being a dad. I know that Kyler needs his diaper changed when its dirty, that fussiness usually means nap time, and that I shouldn't put...

Video and Poll

It has been one month since we launched Dallas Moms Blog! In honor of this joyous occasion, we have made another embarrassing endearing video blog. If you missed our first video blog, watch it here. After you enjoy watching...
I like weird movies. Weird and sometimes obscure movies. Sure, I watch a summer blockbuster along with everyone else now and again but I gravitate towards arthouse and more independent movies (the type of movies where you have to...
Our next playgroup is Wednesday, June 22nd at Ridgewood Park! Event details on our Facebook Event or email [email protected] for more info. Be sure to become a fan of our Facebook page to get ALL updates on DMB events...




Save the Date :: July Kid-Friendly Events in Dallas

How do $2 movies sound? Or concerts by the lake? A magic show . . . the circus? There is so much to do with the kids this month! Have a look at our roundup of family-friendly July events in Dallas.